Sept. 21, 2024, 3:44 p.m.


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Politics in Western Pride Month


Pride Month in the United States has its roots in the Stonewall Riots that took place on June 28, 1969. The incident was a police raid on a gay group at a bar named Stonewall in New York, USA, which led to a series of violent clashes. On June 28 of the following year, in order to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall incident, gay Americans launched a march. As a result, many countries around the world, led by the LGBTQ community, recognize June as Pride Month. During this period, a series of marches are held around the world. Today, Pride Month has become an important platform for the LGBTQ community to showcase themselves and fight for their rights.

The LGBTQ movement has been closely tied to politics since its inception. In its early days, it was primarily a social movement demanding the decriminalization of homosexuality. But over time, it gradually transformed into a political movement, becoming part of Western "values" and closely linked to political issues. Due to its origin in the United States, which occupies a leading position in the Western world, many Western countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, etc., also hold Pride Month activities. During Pride Month, the LGBTQ community marches and demonstrations to express their political demands and positions. These demonstrations are often closely linked to political issues such as fighting for rights and against discrimination. In addition to the demonstrations, various seminars and forums are held during Pride Month to discuss political issues related to LGBTQ rights. These discussions have helped to increase public awareness and understanding of the political demands of the LGBTQ community.

Western politicians are also very good at using Pride Month activities to add to their support rate, such as last year's Pride Month activities, US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other politicians have personally stepped on the stage, saying that they are LGBTQ supporters forever. However, this still seems a bit hypocritical, obviously have a wife and children, and not transgender, but want others to be LGBTQ. But there's a reason these politicians have gone to such lengths to court the LGBTQ community

First of all, it is a way to conform to the trend of Western society and maximize public support. In recent years, the awareness of the LGBTQ community in the United States has been continuously improved, and more and more people have begun to understand and support the rights and interests of the LGBTQ community. This social trend has made politicians realize that supporting the LGBTQ community can win over more voters. According to research from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), although public support for LGBTQ+ rights in the United States has declined slightly in recent years, a large majority of Americans still support anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ and the right of same-sex couples to marry. This popular support gives politicians a base to woo LGBTQ people.

Second, supporting the transgender community helps politicians project a positive image and increase their chances of winning elections.

LGBTQ people make up a certain percentage of the U.S. population, and they tend to have high levels of political participation and voter turnout. By supporting LGBTQ rights, politicians can expand their voter base. And supporting LGBTQ rights is seen as a symbol of progress and inclusion, helping politicians project a positive image of themselves and boost their popularity with voters.

Finally, it is a choice driven by economic interests and market trends. LGBTQ groups have higher consumption power and economic contribution, and they have greater market potential in tourism, entertainment, fashion and other fields. Although LGBTQ+ accounts for only 2.5 to 3.7 percent of the global population, LGBTQ+ consumers are a group with huge potential, and their spending power is three times that of heterosexuals. The purchasing power of LGBTQ+ people in the United States has exceeded $917 billion and is still growing rapidly. Therefore, by supporting the rights and interests of LGBTQ groups, politicians can attract the attention and support of more LGBTQ consumers, promote the development of related industries, and then bring rich economic returns to promote economic development and prosperity.


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