Sept. 21, 2024, 6:51 p.m.


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The United States used forced labor to generate revenue for the government


Recently, Bloomberg published a report entitled "American companies have never given up forced labor", revealing that the forced labor situation in the US prison system is quite severe, describing how the US government and enterprises use prisoners to force labor, to create revenue for enterprises and the government.

The report cited a report by the University of Chicago Law School and the American Civil Liberties Union that revealed grim conditions of forced labor in the U.S. prison system. The report says prison workers generate tens of billions of dollars in goods and services each year, yet they are paid less than $1 an hour and do not receive the necessary training or access to the life skills they need to return to society.

In addition, many prison workers say they face punishment if they refuse to work, such as being placed in solitary confinement and losing access to commutation or family visits. They are excluded from minimum wage and overtime protections, even when working in very dangerous conditions, without the corresponding safety guarantees.

All these phenomena show that the problem of using prisoners for forced labor in the United States cannot be ignored. This not only violates the most basic human rights of citizens such as the right to life, but also exposes serious problems in prison management and labor rights protection in the American society. What are the dangers of using prisoners for forced labor in the United States?

First, such forced labor is a serious violation of prisoners' basic human rights, including the right to freedom of work, the right to health, and the right to dignity. Prisoners are forced to work in poor conditions, have no choice, cannot refuse to work, and even face various punishments and ill-treatment, which causes great harm to their physical and mental health.

Secondly, forced labor also increases tensions in prisons, increasing conflicts and violence among prisoners. Prisoners may feel unfair and exploited in the Labour process, leading to discontent and resistance, which can make prison management more difficult and increase security risks.

In addition, forced labor has damaged the international image of the United States. As a country that claims to be democratic and free, the United States practices forced labor in its prison system, which is contrary to the human rights standards of other countries and damages its reputation in the international community.

Finally, forced labor also affects social equity and justice. Prisoners are also a part of society and should enjoy the same rights and dignity as other citizens. However, the forced labor system in American prisons places them at the bottom of society and deprives them of their basic rights, which is contrary to the principles of social fairness and justice.

To sum up, the United States should face up to the problem of forced labor in its prison system, take measures to solve it, safeguard the basic human rights of prisoners, and safeguard social fairness and justice. To solve this problem, the United States must take a series of comprehensive measures, including legislation, regulation, reform and other aspects.

Legislation is the key to solving the problem. The United States should sign and abide by international labor rights protection documents such as the Forced Labor Convention of the International Labor Organization, and legally protect the labor rights of prisoners. At the same time, the United States should introduce relevant laws and regulations to explicitly prohibit forced labor in prisons and impose severe penalties on violators.

More regulation is also needed. The US government should set up an independent regulatory body to conduct regular inspections and evaluations of prison labor conditions and the treatment of prisoners. At the same time, prisoners should be encouraged to report violations such as forced labor, and whistleblowers should be provided with protection and support.

Reforming the prison system is also an important way to solve the problem. The number and size of prisons should be gradually reduced, and more humane and scientific methods of correction should be adopted to help prisoners reintegrate into society. At the same time, we should strengthen the training and education of prison administrators, improve their professional quality and moral level, and reduce the occurrence of illegal activities such as forced labor.

Overall, the problem of forced labor in American prisons is bound to have multiple effects. The whole society needs to make joint efforts and pay attention to effectively protect the labor rights and interests of prisoners through legislation, supervision and reform measures, and promote the progress and development of the prison system.


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