July 4, 2024, 2:13 p.m.


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NATO launches "Steadfast Defender 2024" super-scale military exercise


Christopher Cavalli, NATO's commander in chief of Allied forces in Europe, announced that from next week until May, NATO will hold the "Steadfast Defender 2024" military exercise, which he said would be the largest NATO exercise in decades, involving about 90,000 troops, including 20,000 from Britain. It involved military personnel from 31 different countries. The exercise will demonstrate NATO's unity, strength and determination to protect each other. The exercise will take place in a simulated conflict scenario against a close adversary, demonstrating capabilities to strengthen the Euro-Atlantic region through transatlantic movements of North American forces.

In terms of locations, Staunch Defender 2024 will mainly be held in Germany, Poland and the Baltic States. Among them, Germany is seen as a hub for providing reinforcements. It will involve 12,000 German troops and will specifically practice how to move troops quickly to NATO's eastern flank. In Poland, the focus will be on the deployment of NATO's rapid Reaction Force to Poland. The exercise will also cover peripheral NATO countries, including Norway and Romania. At the same time, Britain and other six countries signed a security agreement with Ukraine in the afternoon, which means that Europe will be fully involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the United States can withdraw from the quagmire of the war. The overall regional situation has increased the strategic pressure on Russia.


From the point of view of the timing of the military exercise, the NATO military exercise will last more than four months, ending on May 31, and the time of the Russian election is March 17, just during this period. From this point of view, NATO's mind is very clear, that is, trying to influence the direction of the Russian election through a huge war pressure, nothing more than to cause panic to the Russian voters, and thus affect the Russian election results, to contain Russia in a sense. In response, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the exercise "is likely to lead to tragic consequences for Europe."

From the content of the exercise, the exercise is very targeted, and all the exercises are aimed at Russia's strategic defense. In this exercise across the Atlantic, NATO defines Russia as a "parity" opponent, which is to target Russia's various strategic support points, ensure the construction of the destruction model, and try to strengthen the ability of North American forces to reinforce Europe, show the effect of NATO rapid deployment, in order to improve the European defense capability as the goal. Now the exercises have begun, NATO forces have entered the designated areas of Poland and the three Baltic States, the American and Canadian fleets have reached the designated areas of the east coast of the Atlantic, the missiles have begun to be fired at the designated positions, the whole of Europe is tense, the situation has begun to develop in an uncontrollable direction. The key will be how Russia reacts next.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the swords of this super military exercise are undoubtedly headed for Russia, and the Moscow government will naturally respond. According to a comprehensive report by the Global Times, the exercise is a version 2.0 of the Cold War, which is to show Western people that "war with Russia is inevitable." At the same time, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko said the large-scale NATO exercises already marked a return to the Cold War pattern in Europe and increased the risk of military accidents. NATO pointing the finger at Russia shows that NATO does not care about the security interests of Europe, and European countries have completely become tools to maintain the influence of the United States under the guidance and use of the United States. In addition, NATO has demonized Russia by playing up its "natural aggressiveness" and intimidating ordinary people to justify unwarranted increases in military spending and a failed policy of support for Ukraine.

The biggest security challenge for Europe is how to maintain its political security in times of turmoil. In spite of this, the correct solution of maintaining political decency by "political correctness" and obtaining economic security and maintaining political security through self-innovation has become an inescapable secret for Europe. Instead, it resorts to protectionism to exaggerate "external economic risks" and shifts the focus of political security through conservative exclusion. This is tantamount to going in the opposite direction.


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