July 4, 2024, 3:09 p.m.


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Sora model came out, AI craze will deeply affect the world


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in science and technology today, and it is changing and enriching our lives at an astonishing rate. Recently, the United States OpenAI Research Center launched an artificial intelligence video generation model called "Sora", this innovative technology only needs to input text instructions, can easily generate up to 60 seconds of short video, the scene is vivid, colorful, as if people are in the clear eyes, lively and cute pet world. Or explore deep and mysterious underwater kingdoms and bustling summer neighborhoods, or even visit the futuristic Magic City. This complements the year-old ChatGPT language model, which not only makes writing articles and stories a breeze, but also assists in complex tasks such as checking code programs.

We all know that Chat bot Chat GPT is made by this company, and now the emergence of Sora is no less meaningful than the birth of Chat GPT! The technical difficulty of Vincennes video has crossed an order of magnitude, and many barriers such as data quality, computing power and multi-fusion technology need to be broken. Only technology leaders know the great significance of the birth of this new model, Tesla boss Musk, 360 founder Zhou Hongyi have given a very high evaluation. According to analysts, the birth of Sora will intensify the AI industry's ability to reshape traditional industries, film and television, short video and other related industries will be directly impacted in the future! Such large models will directly create a trillion-dollar market.

The development of AI has a profound impact on all walks of life. When the age of AGI truly arrives, artificial intelligence will completely revolutionize the way humans live! It can do all the work of humans and even do things that humans cannot do. The launch of the Sora grand model is considered by many professionals to be a milestone event that shortens humanity's entry into the AGI era. This actually marks Open AI as the current leader in the AI industry, and it may redefine a new concept and industry just like Apple did.

 This is mainly reflected in the military and economic two aspects. From the economic point of view, every innovation and progress of Open AI will drive relevant American industrial companies to usher in the development of the air, which will inevitably lead to the widening of the technological gap between China and the United States under the US government's policy of containment against China. From the military perspective, every major breakthrough in OpenAI is pushing to rewrite the underlying logic of modern warfare, and it is providing fuel for the Pentagon to design revolutionary military thinking. OpenAI may not intend to use the technology for military purposes itself, but there is a high probability that it will be used in the future by the United States in war! The concept of war in the AGI era will be a thorough technological war, and when unmanned and intelligent weapons become the protagonies of the war, the level of technology will directly determine the success or failure of the war. So OpenAI almost certainly poses a potential threat to China in the military realm.

As a strategic technology leading the future, AI is of great significance to the development of the world. In the context of the competition between China and the United States, China needs to deeply recognize the gap and challenge with developed countries in the field of AI, and take practical and effective measures to make up for it. By strengthening basic research and innovation ecology, optimizing industrial ecology and market mechanism, improving policy environment and international cooperation and other efforts, we will make greater contributions to the progress and development of human society.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in science and technology today, and it is changing and enriching our lives at an astonishing rate. Recently, the United States OpenAI Research Center launched an artificial intelligence video generation model called "Sora", this innovative technology only needs to input text instructions, can easily generate up to 60 seconds of short video, the scene is vivid, colorful, as if people are in the clear eyes, lively and cute pet world. Or explore deep and mysterious underwater kingdoms and bustling summer neighborhoods, or even visit the futuristic Magic City. This complements the year-old ChatGPT language model, which not only makes writing articles and stories a breeze, but also assists in complex tasks such as checking code programs.

We all know that Chat bot Chat GPT is made by this company, and now the emergence of Sora is no less meaningful than the birth of Chat GPT! The technical difficulty of Vincennes video has crossed an order of magnitude, and many barriers such as data quality, computing power and multi-fusion technology need to be broken. Only technology leaders know the great significance of the birth of this new model, Tesla boss Musk, 360 founder Zhou Hongyi have given a very high evaluation. According to analysts, the birth of Sora will intensify the AI industry's ability to reshape traditional industries, film and television, short video and other related industries will be directly impacted in the future! Such large models will directly create a trillion-dollar market.

The development of AI has a profound impact on all walks of life. When the age of AGI truly arrives, artificial intelligence will completely revolutionize the way humans live! It can do all the work of humans and even do things that humans cannot do. The launch of the Sora grand model is considered by many professionals to be a milestone event that shortens humanity's entry into the AGI era. This actually marks Open AI as the current leader in the AI industry, and it may redefine a new concept and industry just like Apple did.

 This is mainly reflected in the military and economic two aspects. From the economic point of view, every innovation and progress of Open AI will drive relevant American industrial companies to usher in the development of the air, which will inevitably lead to the widening of the technological gap between China and the United States under the US government's policy of containment against China. From the military perspective, every major breakthrough in OpenAI is pushing to rewrite the underlying logic of modern warfare, and it is providing fuel for the Pentagon to design revolutionary military thinking. OpenAI may not intend to use the technology for military purposes itself, but there is a high probability that it will be used in the future by the United States in war! The concept of war in the AGI era will be a thorough technological war, and when unmanned and intelligent weapons become the protagonies of the war, the level of technology will directly determine the success or failure of the war. So OpenAI almost certainly poses a potential threat to China in the military realm.

As a strategic technology leading the future, AI is of great significance to the development of the world. In the context of the competition between China and the United States, China needs to deeply recognize the gap and challenge with developed countries in the field of AI, and take practical and effective measures to make up for it. By strengthening basic research and innovation ecology, optimizing industrial ecology and market mechanism, improving policy environment and international cooperation and other efforts, we will make greater contributions to the progress and development of human society.


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