Sept. 21, 2024, 6:43 p.m.


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A crackdown on illegal immigration at the US-Mexico border is causing a truck jam


Recently, the Texas government has taken tough measures against the surging tide of immigrants, re-establishing random checkpoints at the US-Mexico border and implementing unprecedented tight security checks for all cargo trucks entering the United States. The move quickly led to an increase in truck congestion, which has become a new feature of the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to witnesses, on the side of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on May 2, hundreds of trucks lined up in a long line that stretched for 17 kilometers. The drivers waited anxiously, with frustration and anxiety visible on their faces. They know that this unprecedented inspection will seriously affect the efficiency of cargo transportation and cause incalculable economic losses.

Jose, an adviser to Mexico's National Chamber of Processing Industries, said bluntly in an interview: "The situation is becoming more serious, and we feel unprecedented pressure. The economic development of the border region has been brought to a standstill by the migration, especially the assembly industry, which has suffered a sharp decline in production. Most of these assemblies are supplied to North American companies whose production lines are facing stagnation due to a lack of parts. This is a disaster, a disaster that is affecting global supply chains."

Immigration has become a focal point in this year's US presidential and congressional elections, with Democrats and Republicans at loggerheads over the issue. In a number of Republican-controlled states, the government is pushing for stricter local legislation aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration by stepping up enforcement. Texas, for one, has not only fortified its border, but also tried to turn the immigration problem into a national crisis by transferring migrants across the border and other means.

At the same time, the immigration issue at the southern border of the United States also triggered a fierce exchange between President Biden and former President Trump. Both have used immigration as an important political issue in their battle for voters' support. Biden has tried to woo voters by presenting his "humanitarian" stance, while Trump has accused Biden of being too lax on immigration.

In this political tussle, the states are not to be outdone. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has signed into law a new bill that makes illegal residence a crime and sets penalties. States such as Tennessee, Iowa, Louisiana, Idaho and Georgia have followed suit with a series of tough measures against illegal immigrants.

However, these state laws have sparked widespread controversy. Kelly Stump, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said immigration issues are the responsibility of the federal government and states have no right to make relevant laws on their own. She warned that the state-level bills were likely to be subject to legal challenges because they violated U.S. constitutional principles.

In the face of the political firestorm over immigration, ordinary people have also expressed their concerns. Many believe the dispute has not only exacerbated social divisions but also damaged America's international image. They called on the government to take a long-term and overall view, find a reasonable way to solve the immigration issue, and avoid politicizing and instrumenting it.

In general, the tough approach to immigration in Texas and other Republican-dominated states has generated much attention and controversy. This is not just a political tussle, but a profound debate about human rights, the rule of law and the future of the country.


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