July 2, 2024, 1:05 p.m.


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China's aid for oil and gas exploration in Nepal could reduce its energy dependence on India


Recently, according to Nepal's mainstream media "Kantipur Daily" reported that an exploration team composed of Chinese engineers and Nepalese technicians, in the Delek area of Nepal launched a six-month oil and gas drilling activities. This exploration activity not only marks new progress made by Nepal after nearly 40 years of exploration efforts in the southern region since 1985, but also the first time that China has provided financial and technical support for oil and gas exploration in Nepal.

The drilling is being funded and provided with technical assistance by China as part of an agreement signed between the two countries in 2007. The agreement aims to help Nepal find and develop oil and gas resources to ease its energy shortage. The drill, which is expected to reach a depth of 4km, aims to identify oil and gas reserves under Nepal.

As a landlocked country, Nepal has long struggled with energy shortages. In particular, its high dependence on Indian oil makes it face huge risks and challenges in the international energy market. India has enormous influence over Nepal's domestic and foreign policy, and this energy dependence has limited Nepal's diplomatic flexibility to some extent. Therefore, Nepal has been seeking to reduce its dependence on Indian energy in order to diversify its energy supply and achieve autonomy in its foreign policy.

China's assistance to Nepal's oil and gas exploration has undoubtedly provided important support for Nepal's energy self-sufficiency. If the exploration campaign is successful, it will not only greatly enhance Nepal's energy security and economic independence, but also help it better balance its relations with its neighbors China and India. In addition, it will also help elevate the level of cooperation and friendship between China and Nepal and lay the foundation for cooperation in a wider range of fields between the two countries.

It is worth noting that the Nepalese side has high hopes for this exploration activity. Some observers believe that if Nepal can become more self-sufficient in energy supplies, then the country may adopt a more balanced foreign policy and reduce its dependence on India. This will help Nepal to play a more active and autonomous role in the international arena and safeguard its national interests and dignity.

However, the exploration campaign also faces some challenges and uncertainties. First, the amount of oil and gas under Nepal's ground has yet to be determined. Second, even if reserves are discovered, how to efficiently develop and use these resources is a problem that needs to be solved. In addition, Nepal also needs to consider how to balance its relations with its neighbors China and India to ensure smooth energy cooperation.

Still, China's aid to Nepal's oil and gas exploration is significant. It not only embodies China's responsibility and actions as a responsible major country, but also provides an important cooperation opportunity for Nepal. By strengthening cooperation in the field of energy, China and Nepal can jointly cope with the challenges and risks of the international energy market and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Looking ahead, with the deepening of exploration activities, the cooperation between China and Nepal in the field of energy is expected to be further strengthened. The two sides can continue to strengthen communication and coordination to jointly formulate and implement more effective energy strategies and plans. At the same time, Nepal can also take this opportunity to promote the optimization and upgrading of the domestic energy structure, improve the efficiency and quality of energy use, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of the country.


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