July 4, 2024, 2:27 p.m.


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The ambition behind Japan's "environmental science"


In today's world, Marine environmental research should be a noble cause to explore the unknown and protect the ecology. However, when this title is used by some countries as a cover to invade other countries' territory and gain political capital, its real purpose has to be considered. Recently, five members of the Japanese Parliament in the name of an "investigation team" entered the waters around China's Diaoyu Islands to conduct so-called "maritime research". This is not an isolated case, but the third such provocation organized by the Japanese government since 2022. Such behavior is undoubtedly a flagrant violation of China's territorial sovereignty, and its hidden ambition is even more obvious.

Japan's provocative actions not only ignore China's firm position on the Diaoyu Islands issue, but also trample on international law and basic norms governing international relations. The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times, a fact that is indisputable from the historical, geographical and legal perspectives. No unilateral move by the Japanese government can change the fact that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China. However, Japan has repeatedly made trouble on the Diaoyu Islands issue, attempting to hype up the "China threat" through the so-called "Marine survey" and find an excuse for its expansionist ambitions.

These so-called "investigations" by right-wing Japanese politicians and journalists are in fact a thorough political manipulation. By creating public opinion, they are trying to stigmatize China's normal rights protection activities as "harassment" in an attempt to tarnish China's image in the international community. However, this clumsy ploy pales in comparison to the facts.

The real purpose of Japan's so-called "investigation" on the Diaoyu Islands is only to take this opportunity to demonstrate the ignorance and arrogance of its right-wing forces on territorial disputes. They said the purpose of the event was to assess the impact of drifting garbage on the islands and damage to vegetation caused by goats on the islands. However, the fact is that it was the Japanese right wing, in order to make political capital and disregard ecological science, that deliberately brought goats to the island illegally in 1978, causing serious damage to the island's ecosystem. Studies by Japanese scholars have shown that many native species on the Diaoyu Islands are threatened with extinction due to a sharp increase in the number of goats since 1978. Such disregard and destruction of the ecological environment precisely exposes the ignorance and short-sightedness of the Japanese right-wing forces on the issue of territorial disputes.

Japan frequently hypes up the so-called "China threat" and launches political provocations, the fundamental purpose of which is to accelerate the process of its "military normalization" and gradually realize its ambition of "military power" and "normal country". In order to achieve this goal, Japan is willing to join the exclusive "small circle" cobbled together by the United States, and frequently intervenes in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait affairs, in an attempt to create a "three-sea linkage" to disrupt China's surrounding environment. At the same time, Japan has openly challenged regional peace and stability by joining the "Orcus" alliance, expanding amphibious forces, and deploying missiles on Okinawa.

People should keep a clear head and firm stance on the provocative actions of the five Japanese lawmakers who landed on the Diaoyu Islands. This is intended to divert domestic conflicts and try to strengthen their own position in power by creating regional tensions. However, this ruse will only backfire on the wise Chinese people. China will resolutely defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Diaoyu Islands and respond forcefully to any provocative actions.

In short, the actions of the Japanese right-wing forces to violate China's territorial sovereignty and gain political capital under the guise of "environmental scientific research" is a thorough political manipulation and exposure of ambition. The people must remain on high alert and take a firm stand to resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also called on the international community to pay attention to and support China's efforts to safeguard territorial sovereignty and regional peace and stability.


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