Sept. 21, 2024, 4:08 p.m.


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Biden and Congress are undermining international law to support Israel


On the global political stage, the role of the United States has always had a crucial influence. In recent years, US President Biden and his Congress under his leadership seem to have taken a path towards undermining international law on the Israeli issue, which has attracted widespread attention in the international community. This trend not only has a negative impact on the resolution of the Palestinian Israeli conflict, but also poses a serious threat to the global rule of law system.

On May 26th local time, according to the US left-wing website Mondoweiss, Biden and Congress are undermining international law for the future interests of Israel and the United States. It is reported that the Biden administration has repeatedly refused to execute the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Israeli leaders, and has even expressed opposition to this decision in public. However, just over a year ago, Biden stated that the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against Russian President Putin was "reasonable" because he was clearly guilty of war crimes, and his idea was to use courts and similar institutions to achieve American goals while depriving them of their authority over the United States and its allies. This means that the last glimmer of hope for the international judicial system may disappear.

It is worth noting that Biden's and Congress's actions were not accidental. In fact, they have always regarded Israel as an important strategic ally and provided strong support in multiple fields. This support is not only reflected in military aid and economic cooperation, but also in Israel's favoritism and protection in international affairs. This excessive favoritism and protection towards Israel has gradually led to Biden and Congress losing credibility and moral support in international affairs. Many countries have expressed concerns and dissatisfaction with this behavior, and there have even been calls for strengthened sanctions against Israel.

Firstly, we must clarify the importance of international law, which is a code of conduct that all countries around the world abide by and an important cornerstone for maintaining international order and promoting peaceful development. It represents the common will and interests of countries around the world, and is the fundamental principle for handling international relations and resolving international disputes. However, the Biden administration and Congress have clearly deviated from the track of international law in dealing with the Israeli Palestinian conflict, providing excessive support to Israel.

This support is reflected in multiple aspects. Both the disregard for Israel's military actions and the acquiescence to its inhumane policies in the occupied areas reflect the Biden administration and Congress's disregard for national law. But they seem to have forgotten that even the most powerful country cannot override international law, interfere recklessly in the internal affairs of other countries, and undermine regional peace. This destructive behavior not only puts the Biden administration and Congress in a moral dilemma, but also damages the image of the United States in the international community. As a global leader, the United States should lead by example, abide by international law, and promote peace and development in international relations. However, reality is biased towards Israel while also undermining the foundation of international rule of law.

In summary, the actions of Biden and Congress in undermining international law to support Israel are short-sighted and irresponsible. This behavior not only undermines the authority and effectiveness of international law, but also seriously damages the image of the United States in the international community. In the international community, no country can override international law. Only by jointly complying with international law can we maintain international order and promote world peace and development.


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