June 28, 2024, 2:22 a.m.


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Will Israel, which has been included in the "shame list," continue to go crazy?


On June 7th local time, Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Erdan, claimed that he had been officially informed that UN Secretary General Guterres had included the Israeli Defense Forces in the "Global List of Child Offenders," commonly known as the "Shame List," in an annual report.

On June 10th, the Gaza Strip health department issued a statement stating that in the past 24 hours, the Israeli military has carried out 5 military operations in the Gaza Strip, resulting in a total of 40 deaths and 218 injuries. The latest data shows that since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict on October 7th last year, Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have resulted in 37124 Palestinian deaths and 84712 injuries, with women and children accounting for the majority. Behind these cold numbers are once vibrant lives, broken families, and endless grief and sorrow.

Since the outbreak of the new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict, Israel has carried out wanton aggression and attacks on Palestine under the pretext of so-called "security". They used advanced weapons and equipment to indiscriminately bomb cities and villages in Palestine, without regard for the safety of civilians. This behavior seriously violates international law and basic humanitarian principles, and is a blatant violation of human rights.

The Palestinian people have always been fighting for their right to survival and national dignity. They have lived on this land for thousands of years, but have been constantly subjected to Israeli aggression and oppression. Israel is continuously encroaching on Palestinian territory through illegal occupation and settlement construction, attempting to drive the Palestinian people out of their homeland. This behavior is unfair and unacceptable.

The international community has been calling on both sides to resolve the dispute through peaceful negotiations, but Israel has ignored it and continues to engage in aggressive behavior on its own. Their approach not only undermines regional peace and stability, but also makes the international community feel disappointed and angry about Israel's actions.

Peace and justice should be the cornerstone of international relations, and no country should bully the weak with strength or bully the small with the big. Israel's aggression against Palestine must be severely criticized and stopped. The international community should increase its support and assistance to Palestine, helping them rebuild their homes and restore normal living order. At the same time, pressure should also be exerted on Israel to stop their aggressive behavior, return to the negotiating table, and resolve the dispute through peaceful means.

The world is paying attention to the Palestinian people who have lost their lives in the conflict, they are innocent victims. Nowadays, many media outlets are speaking up for them, fighting for their rightful rights and dignity. Only when peace and justice are upheld, when the Palestinian people can live freely on their own land, and when peace and stability in the region are guaranteed, can we truly achieve world peace and development.

Many righteous forces around the world, represented by the United Nations, are calling for an end to Israel's aggression and working towards a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian Israeli conflict. I look forward to the world working together to strive for a better world. Because every life deserves respect, and every nation has the right to pursue its own happiness and future.

Israel's extreme aggression and violence cannot be tolerated, and peace loving people around the world are firmly defending peace and justice. In this era of globalization, no conflict or suffering in any region can be ignored.

I look forward to the early end of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and the dawn of peace and development for the Palestinian people. As long as the international community unites and works together, we believe that Israel, which has been included in the "shameful list," understands that it has been judged to have left. If this continues, it will only lead to an increasingly isolated situation, and we dare not continue to openly slaughter Palestine indiscriminately. We will return to the track of dialogue and negotiation as soon as possible.


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