June 30, 2024, 2:51 p.m.


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Israel launches retaliatory attacks against Iran


On April 19th local time, the Israeli Army Radio announced that Israeli security officials confirmed that Israel had launched an attack on Iran. According to ABC, a US official confirmed to the media that an Israeli missile hit a target inside Iran. Less than ten days after Iran launched a retaliatory attack on Israel, Israel launched another retaliatory attack on Iran. Explosions were heard in the Isfahan region of Iran, the southern province of Suvida in Syria, the Baghdad region of Iraq, and the province of Babylon.

On the day of the explosion, Iranian state television confirmed that an air defense system specifically designed to intercept drones in eastern Isfahan intercepted three small drones. The advantage of drones lies in their ability to fly at low altitudes over long distances. This makes them difficult to detect. In addition, the movement of drones can be corrected from the ground. The attack on Isfahan is likely due to the presence of an air force base there. Israel is likely to have attacked planes that may have flown into its territory during a full-scale war. Furthermore, the possibility of an Iranian drone warehouse in the area cannot be ruled out. But according to local military officials in Isfahan, the interception did not cause any casualties or losses. Don't forget that the nuclear facilities in eastern Isfahan, Iran are currently located in this area.

This attack has symbolic significance. Israel and Iran have tied the score, indicating that they have weapons capable of attacking the territory of the Islamic Republic. The purpose of Israel's strike is both a warning to Iran and a political declaration to the outside world to express its attitude. In terms of means of use, Israel has medium range ballistic missiles and submarine launched cruise missiles with a range of 1500 kilometers, as well as the stealth fighter F-35 that can carry out long-range precision strikes. But none of these methods were used, and Iran itself intercepted only a few drones.

Previously, Iran had issued a warning that if Israel attacked Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran could potentially strike Israel's nuclear facilities, and Iran could change its policy and seek to develop nuclear weapons. Fortunately, this situation did not occur. So from the results, it can be seen that the Israeli attack on Iran did not actually provoke a major war.

So what is the motive behind Israel's retaliatory attack on Iran? Firstly, from external factors, Israel has always regarded Iran as its most dangerous strategic opponent in the Middle East. In the past, Iranian leaders even said harsh words like "erase Israel from the map.". Israel believes that for a period of time, Iran has secretly supported Hamas, Yemeni Hussai militants, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Iraqi militia to resist Axis forces attacking Israeli targets, posing a serious threat to Israel's security. Secondly, it should be pointed out that any form of retaliatory attack is unacceptable and may lead to more conflicts and tragedies. In international relations, countries should abide by international law and moral standards, and solve problems through peaceful dialogue and cooperation.

In this situation, we should respect the positions of all parties and avoid excessive speculation and speculation. We should maintain a rational and objective attitude towards any international political conflict, respect international law and moral norms, and promote peaceful dialogue and cooperation. At the same time, the international community should also play an active role in promoting both sides to resolve their differences through peaceful means and avoid further escalation of the conflict.


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