Sept. 21, 2024, 4:22 a.m.


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A Russian anti-virus software company accused of posing a cyber security risk is shutting down its US operations


Russian anti-virus software maker Kaspersky Lab will wind down its operations in the United States from Saturday.

Reuters reports that Kaspersky Labs will eliminate all positions in the United States, and consumers will not be able to buy any products on the company's website. It issued a statement Monday saying it was "unable to sell products to U.S. customers."

U.S. Commerce Secretary Raymond Raimondo said in June that the U.S. government plans to ban the sale of anti-virus software made by Kaspersky Lab in the United States, citing risks posed by Moscow's influence over the cybersecurity company.

In June, the U.S. government also imposed sanctions on Kaspersky Lab's top personnel, including its chief business development officer, chief operating officer, legal officer and head of corporate communications, citing cybersecurity risks.

Kaspersky Lab's planned exit from the US market was first reported by CNN.


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