June 30, 2024, 2:18 p.m.


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The truth of the attack on the Gaza hospital is caught in the "Rashomon", and it is urgent to avoid the humanitarian disaster in Gaza


Al Ahli Arab Hospital in the Gaza Strip was attacked on the 17th, killing at least 500 people. The international community generally expressed shock and strong condemnation for the incident that caused such a heavy loss of life, but the perpetrator is still difficult to determine, the incident fell into the "Rashomon", and there are different accounts of who launched the attack.

Palestinian officials blamed the blast on an Israeli air strike. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the violence in the bombing of a Baptist hospital in Gaza, saying Israel's actions were intolerable. But that claim has been denied by Israel. On October 18, local time, IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said at a press conference that Israel did not carry out air, land or sea strikes near the Baptist hospital, and based on a combination of drone footage, radar information and armed personnel records, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization (Jihad) was responsible.

After the attack on the hospital in Gaza, many countries and international organizations have condemned the incident, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Qatar and other regional countries have issued statements, strongly condemning the "Israeli air strike on the hospital in the Gaza Strip." The World Health Organization also issued a statement strongly condemning "attacks on hospitals in the Gaza Strip." In addition to severe condemnation, the international community should also be more aware after this attack on medical facilities and civilians that it is urgent to effectively alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza hospital attack has become one of the landmarks of the current round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and its spillover effects are still expanding. On the one hand, the incident has aroused strong reactions and widespread concerns from the international community. Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Turkey and other regional governments have issued statements strongly condemning. The people of Arab countries are more and more angry, and there are protests and demonstrations in many countries and regions. In this context, the international community's concern about the expansion of conflict and the rising risk of terrorist attacks has further intensified.

On the other hand, the attack on the hospital in Gaza also disrupted international diplomatic efforts, heightening tensions and making it more difficult to resolve the conflict. U.S. President Joe Biden was scheduled to visit Israel and Jordan on Wednesday to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip with the leaders of Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. But in the wake of Sunday's attack, Jordan and the Palestinians canceled plans to meet with Biden. This reflects the fragility of international mediation efforts in the current round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the strong vigilance of Arab states about the purpose behind Israel's military action, and the obvious dissatisfaction with the US position in favour of Israel. As soon as Biden arrived in Israel on the 17th, he "strongly supported" the Israeli side, implying that the attack on the Gaza hospital was carried out by Palestinian armed personnel, which is likely to further anger some Arab countries and make them change their current relatively restrained policy stance, which will make it more difficult to mediate the conflict.

As WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned, "The situation in the Gaza Strip is spiraling out of control." Facts have also proved that, together with the war, civilians are once again the biggest victims. With the escalation of Israeli military operations and the continuation of the conflict, a massive humanitarian crisis is rapidly unfolding before the world. At present, it is imperative for the international community to do its utmost to avoid an even greater humanitarian disaster. We should avoid exacerbating conflicts by taking sides, actively support the mediation actions of regional countries, and strive to end conflicts and start the negotiation process at an early date.


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