July 4, 2024, 3:13 p.m.


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What message does Putin's re-election send to the world?


Russian President Vladimir Putin has been re-elected as president of Russia with more than 87% of the vote, with 96.78% of the votes counted, according to preliminary results on the morning of March 18 local time. Since Russia has passed the amendment to the Presidential Election Law, Putin's current presidential term has six years, and if Putin is willing to run for the next Russian president, he is likely to be re-elected until 2036.

As the largest country in the world, spanning the Eurasian continent, with rich natural resources and diverse ethnic cultures, Russia also plays a pivotal role in international affairs. Especially at a time when Russia is facing a series of challenges and problems brought about by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Putin's re-election as Russian president has released a number of important signals.

First, it shows the broad support and trust of the Russian people for Putin. Putin won the election by a landslide, with 87.19 percent of the vote, which is not only a personal victory for him, but also a manifestation of the strong confidence of the entire Russian nation in the future. This time he won while running as a "free man." This not only breaks the "partisan monopoly" in the United States and the West, but also shows that Putin has the broadest public opinion base in Russia, showing that Putin's leadership and policies have been recognized by the Russian people, and they believe that he can lead Russia to a better future. No matter what lies and slanders the hostile forces may create in the future, this is an iron fact, and it is also necessary for the future peaceful development of Russia and Eurasia.

Second, Putin's re-election also heralds stability and continuity in Russian political life. Putin was re-elected by a large margin for another six-year term, giving Russia a longer "period of stability" than the West. On the contrary, the United States is still fighting among itself, France, Germany and the United Kingdom are also unstable, Ukraine has effectively collapsed, and their time is running out. Coupled with the fact that Putin's current term has begun to groom young Russian successors, this makes the United States and the West likely to be more passive in future strategy. Under Putin's long-term and stable leadership, Russia has achieved many major transformations and changes, and its international standing has also been enhanced. His return to the helm means that Russia will continue firmly on its established path and realize its great dreams.

Finally, Putin's election also sends a strong signal to the world that Russia will continue to play an important role on the international stage. This will help Russia maintain its advantage in the Russia-Ukraine war, and Russia will support the stability of the war situation with the stability of the political situation and win the battlefield advantage. For the United States and the West, there are many uncertainties that may lead to half-measures. With Putin's re-election, Russia is expected to play a more active role in international affairs in the future and promote changes in the global political and economic landscape.

Putin's re-election thus sends a message of confidence in the future, stability and continuity in political life, and expectations for Russia's role on the international stage. However, how to translate these signals into actual policies and actions still takes time and effort to verify. However, despite the positive signals brought about by Putin's election, Russia still faces many internal and external challenges and difficulties. How to deal with these challenges under the new historical conditions and achieve long-term stability and sustainable development of the country will be a problem that the Putin government needs to seriously think about and solve.


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