July 2, 2024, 1:15 p.m.


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Russia stepped up its attack and Zelensky slammed his Allies for "turning a blind eye"


As tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue, tensions between Russia and Ukraine grow. Russia has reportedly once again intensified its military operations along the Ukrainian border. It has attracted wide attention.However, some countries have turned a blind eye to this, prompting Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Russia's military activity in Ukraine's border areas has increased significantly recently. The Russian military has attacked Ukraine in five parts of the country, killing seven people and damaging infrastructure such as substations and power generation facilities, Ukrainian officials said On April 11.Zelensky said Russia launched more than 40 missiles and about 40 attack drones overnight, many of them aimed at the energy base. The intensified Russian attack has not only increased the number of military equipment and personnel deployed in the border areas, but also carried out a series of targeted military exercises.The actions suggest that Russia could launch a larger military operation against Ukraine.

In addition, analysts believe that, first of all, the reason for Russia's intensified attacks may be related to the domestic political and economic situation. Second, Russia's increased attacks may be linked to the battle for Ukraine's territorial sovereignty.Against the backdrop of the current global economic downturn, Russia hopes to defend its interests and position by strengthening its offensive. The time conflict between Russia and Ukraine stems from multiple factors, such as historical issues, geopolitical struggles and ethnic conflicts.However, in the face of a strong Russian attack, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky did not choose to yield, but instead slammed his allies who failed to give Ukraine enough support.

Zelensky has expressed his dissatisfaction with his allies in several speeches. He believes that there are enough air defense systems around the world and Ukraine is not demanding anything beyond necessary to protect life.As Ukraine's president, Zelensky is worried about Russia's actions. He slammed the apathy of some allies, arguing that their inaction was indulging Russia's aggression and expanding Russia's ambitions.Mr.Zelensky's comments were too heated and could hurt Ukraine's relations with other countries. But others argue that Zelensky's remarks reflect the difficulties Ukraine now faces and call for more attention and support from the international community.

There are complex reasons and backgrounds behind Russia's intensified attacks and Zelensky's attacks at Allies. From the perspective of international politics, this event reflects the game between the great powers and the competition for interests.While Russia is trying to maintain its position and influence by intensifying its attacks, Ukraine wants to gain more international support to face this thorny issue.Second, from an economic perspective, the event also reflects the impact of the global economic downturn on countries. Under economic pressure, some countries are unable to give Ukraine enough support, leading to a more serious situation.

Finally, it should be emphasized that there are no winners in the conflict war, and dialogue and negotiation are the only way out. All parties should remain calm. This incident not only reflects the complexity and variability of international politics and economy, but also reminds us to pay more attention to the weak side in international relations.In the international community, all countries should uphold the principles of equality, peace and justice in cooperation and jointly safeguard the international order and stability. At the same time, we should also pay attention to and support those countries facing difficulties and help them tide over the difficulties and achieve common development.


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