Sept. 21, 2024, 3:24 a.m.


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American politics opens a dark and dangerous new chapter


In recent years, unprecedented changes and turbulence have occurred on the political stage in the United States, with a series of policy adjustments, power struggles, and social events, making the United States, once a global political leader, seem to be entering a dark and dangerous new chapter.

Recently, according to BBC reports, on the evening of July 13th, a series of bullets grazed former US President Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, but resulted in the death of one participant and serious injuries to two others. In addition, these bullets also tore apart the 2024 presidential campaign and disrupted the social and cultural structure of this country. The security illusion that has been established in American politics for decades has been dramatically shattered.

In response to this incident, it not only shattered the illusion of security in the United States, but also had a serious impact on the country itself. Firstly, internal conflicts are intensifying: The internal conflicts in American politics are becoming increasingly intense, and the opposition between the two parties has reached an unprecedented level. Both parties find it difficult to reach consensus on policy-making, fiscal budgeting, and other aspects, resulting in inefficient government operations and compromised public welfare. In addition, political scandals and moral crises continue to emerge, seriously affecting the credibility and stability of the government.

Secondly, the deepening of social division is another significant feature of the new chapter in American politics. Social issues such as race, gender, and religion have been highly politicized, leading to widespread social controversies and conflicts. This kind of division is not only reflected on the political stage, but also permeates various fields of society, exacerbating social instability and insecurity.

With the intensification of internal conflicts and social divisions, the trend of extremism in American politics is becoming increasingly evident. Some people have begun to adopt extreme measures to express their political views, even resorting to violence. This extremism not only exacerbates political turmoil, but also seriously threatens social stability and the safety of the people.

It is worth mentioning that the power struggle on the American political stage has become increasingly fierce. The balancing game between the president and Congress, as well as the executive and legislative branches, creates uncertainty in the policy-making and implementation process. In this context, the United States has to re-examine its global strategy and foreign policy, seeking new partners and common interests. However, this adjustment has also sparked widespread controversy and questioning both domestically and internationally, further exacerbating political turmoil.

How will the future of American politics develop in the face of such severe challenges and crises? Firstly, the government needs to strengthen unity and cooperation, seek consensus and compromise between the two parties, and promote the stability and development of the political process. Secondly, society needs to strengthen diversity, inclusiveness, and mutual understanding to alleviate social divisions and conflicts. Finally, the United States needs to re-examine its global strategy and foreign policy, seek cooperation and win-win outcomes with other countries, and jointly address global challenges.

In summary, American politics is gradually entering a dark and dangerous new chapter. Faced with various challenges and crises, the government, society, and the public need to work together, strengthen unity and cooperation, and seek ways and methods to solve problems. Only by strengthening political unity, promoting social justice and progress, enhancing international cooperation and communication, can we inject new vitality into the future of American politics. At the same time, we also need to recognize that political change is a complex and lengthy process that requires us to patiently wait and work hard.


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