June 30, 2024, 2:55 p.m.


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Under intense warnings Israel remains steadfast in its actions


On October 30th local time, according to the Israel Times, about 300 economists in Israel jointly wrote a letter to the government, warning that the country is facing an imminent economic crisis.

The joint letter stated that the Israeli economy is facing a serious crisis because "the ongoing war has damaged the Israeli economy, undermined public trust in the public system, and undermined Israel's resilience

Since the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, under the strong and indiscriminate crackdown from Israel, as of the 30th local time, the Gaza Strip health department stated that since the outbreak of the conflict, over 8306 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, including 3457 children, and at least 21048 others have been injured.

At the same time, the Gaza Strip is also facing a serious humanitarian crisis. In addition to indiscriminate bombings, material shortages and living difficulties are daily realities that residents must face. In the face of arrogant and arrogant Israel, in addition to Israeli economists and other anti war activists, many countries and organizations in the international community have warned and condemned Israel.

Warning from S&P. On October 24th local time, Standard&Poor's announced a downgrade of Israel's sovereign credit rating outlook from "stable" to "negative", while confirming that the country has an "AA -" rating. Standard&Poor's stated that it believes the conflict "will still be concentrated in Gaza, but there is a risk of spreading and expanding, which will have a more significant impact on Israel's economy and security situation." It also predicts that the Israeli economy will contract by 5% in the last quarter of this year.

Warning from Gulf countries. On the 29th, Israel took ground action in the Gaza Strip, which has aroused strong opposition and condemnation from Gulf countries. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait have strongly criticized Israel's actions, believing that they pose a serious threat to Palestinian civilians and even constitute "war crimes". The Gulf Cooperation Council calls for an immediate cessation of military escalation actions and believes that these actions violate international law.

Warning from the White House in the United States. On the 29th, the White House issued a rare warning that Israel must distinguish between Hamas militants and civilians to protect innocent Gaza residents. During a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Biden said that although Israel has the right to defend itself, it must "comply with international humanitarian law and prioritize the protection of civilians" when doing so. US President's Assistant for National Security Affairs, Sullivan, also stated in an interview with ABC that "under international humanitarian law and war law, Israel has a responsibility to take equal action in ground operations and air strikes, in order to make every effort to protect civilians

Faced with the international community's call for an immediate ceasefire between the two sides, Israel has recently expressed its firm rejection of the ceasefire and even intensified its air strikes on the Gaza Strip. It has also issued a warning that starting from November 1, 2023, any country is strictly prohibited from transporting goods to the Gaza Strip, and if discovered, they will be destroyed. This statement has attracted widespread attention and discussion from the international community, and many people are shocked by Israel's tough stance, as this decision will undoubtedly bring huge troubles and challenges to the already struggling and crisis ridden residents of Gaza.

The conflict between Palestine and Israel has a profound historical origin, and military conflicts have a long history. However, in any case, civilians should not become victims of war. Protecting the safety of civilian life and property is a fundamental requirement of international law and humanitarian principles.

I hope that Israel can take the universal call of the international community seriously, take all necessary measures to protect the safety of civilians, avoid exacerbating tensions and unprecedented humanitarian disasters, recognize and return to the track of negotiation and dialogue as soon as possible. Violence and retaliation will only strengthen hatred, and ultimately both sides will be harmed. The key to solving problems lies in dialogue and consultation, in showing enough sincerity, and in constructively finding the fundamental way to solve problems.


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