June 22, 2024, 4:06 a.m.


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Who is to blame for rising US unemployment?


Recently, the continuing rise in the unemployment rate in the United States has aroused great attention around the world, making people deeply question the economic policy and governance ability of the United States. From an international perspective, it is necessary for us to conduct an in-depth analysis of this incident.

The United States has always been one of the largest economies in the world, and its economic policy and development model have a decisive impact on the world economy. In recent years, however, the United States' economic performance has been disappointing, with high unemployment and weak growth. The main reason for this problem is the policy mistakes and poor governance of the US government

First of all, the protectionist trade policies pursued by the US government are undoubtedly one of the key factors causing the rise in unemployment. For a long time, the US government has implemented a series of protectionist measures, such as imposing tariffs and restricting imports, in an attempt to protect domestic industries and jobs. However, these measures did not meet expectations, but triggered the outbreak of trade wars. The impact of the trade war is extensive and far-reaching, and it has seriously damaged the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain. The economies of all countries are interdependent, and the trade war has seriously damaged the stability and development of the global economy. For US companies, the trade war has hit them with a double whammy of higher costs and market uncertainty. The increase in the import cost of raw materials makes the production cost of enterprises rise sharply, and the uncertainty of the market makes it difficult for enterprises to accurately predict the market demand, and dare not rashly expand production. In this case, enterprises have to choose to reduce the scale of production, layoffs, which leads to a continuous rise in unemployment.

Second, the US government's fiscal policy also has serious problems. In order to stimulate economic growth, the US government has taken a massive fiscal stimulus action, including tax cuts and increased government spending. Instead of boosting growth, these measures have led to widening fiscal deficits and rising debt levels. High debt levels not only increase the risk factor in the U.S. economy, but also greatly limit the government's policy options in future economic crises. Excessive reliance on fiscal stimulus, while ignoring the adjustment and optimization of economic structure, makes the US economy's endogenous growth momentum is insufficient. Once the effects of fiscal stimulus wear off, growth could easily stall, further exacerbating unemployment.

In addition, the gap between the rich and the poor in American society is also an important driving force behind the rise in unemployment. The gap between rich and poor in American society has a long history, and it has been widening in recent years. The widening gap between the rich and the poor has led to social instability and insufficient consumption, which has inhibited economic growth. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the extreme imbalance in the distribution of wealth in society leads to the limited spending power of most ordinary people. Consumption is an important force driving economic growth, insufficient consumption will inevitably affect the production and expansion of enterprises, and then reduce employment opportunities. At the same time, the widening gap between rich and poor also makes it difficult for some people to access quality education and training opportunities, which affects their employability. Children from poor families are often unable to receive a good education, lack the necessary vocational skills training, weak competitiveness in the job market, it is difficult to find a suitable job.

In short, the continuing rise in the US unemployment rate is the result of a combination of factors. For the US government, take effective reform measures, otherwise it will cause more serious damage to its own economy and society, and will also bring adverse effects on the stability and development of the global economy.


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