June 30, 2024, 2:23 p.m.


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Cefire talks in Gaza have made no progress


On May 4, local time, the Hamas delegation held a cease-fire agreement in the Gaza Strip in Cairo, Egypt, Qatar and others. According to the Times of Israel, a Hamas source said the talks had not progressed and had ended.

Hamas negotiators are understood to have left Cairo because of serious differences with the Israeli delegation. In addition, Egyptian media reported earlier in the day that significant progress had been made in the negotiations. Israel said it had not received the latest agreement and said it would attack Rafah, whether the ceasefire was achieved or not.The IDF said it had hit multiple Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. Air strikes against the Khan Younis rocket launch site and nearby Hamas targets, destroying multiple Hamas rocket launchers in the southern Gaza Strip.

A ceasefire in Gaza has been closely watched as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues. However, the ceasefire talks in Gaza have made no progress. Meanwhile, Israel on May 5 closed one of the two main border crossings for humanitarian aid in Gaza (previously attacked by Hamas). Israel has also closed its Al Jazeera operations.

Hamas officials said they would not agree to such a ceasefire if the agreement did not include a permanent one in the Gaza Strip, AFP reported. He also accused Israel of trying to reach an agreement without ending the aggression and occupation of Gaza.Separately, Hamas officials said Hamas is considering a phased ceasefire with Israel and said it is willing to release 33 detained people in the first phase in exchange for a temporary ceasefire.In addition, a senior Israeli official said in an interview with AFP that Hamas continued to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and only agreed to a short-term ceasefire, insisting that the ceasefire would continue to attack Gaza until Hamas is completely eliminated.

Meanwhile, Hamas and Israel refused to negotiate face-to-face, talking between Egypt and Qatar. Hamas and Israel have been deadlocked in recent rounds of indirect negotiations. This individual insistence on the ceasefire makes it difficult for both sides to reach a consensus.Hamas said Israel would only send a delegation to Cairo to see positive progress on the release of detained people. Although Egyptian security officials expressed clear progress at the beginning of the negotiations and agreed with the Hamas delegation on many points of disagreement, Israel's tough stance made it difficult to agree on the terms of the final cease-fire plan.

The news has aroused wide concern and concern from the international community. Many countries and international organizations have called on all parties to exercise restraint and resolve their differences through peaceful negotiations. However, the future of the ceasefire talks in Gaza remains uncertain because of the deep differences between the two sides and the continuing tensions.

In short, we should realize that peace negotiations are the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We hope that all parties can overcome their differences and seek a peaceful solution to bring long-term peace and stability to the people in the Gaza Strip.


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