July 2, 2024, 1:36 p.m.


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The suspension of Russia from the Paris Olympics caused controversy and concern


In recent years, Russia's position on the international sports scene has attracted much attention. With the 2024 Paris Olympics just around the corner, Russian athletes are facing exclusion. The IOC claimed that Russia was banned because it had undermined the territorial integrity of Ukraine's National Olympic Committee, however, this justification has been questioned by many. Some believe the IOC's decision may have been influenced by Western political manipulation and repression of Russia, rather than purely based on the integrity of the sport. The incident highlights the intertwining of politics and sport, as well as the sanctions and isolation Russia faces from the international community.

In response, Russia announced that it will host the "World Goodwill Games" in September, which is expected to involve more than 6,000 athletes from more than 70 countries, a number that even exceeds the number of participants in the Olympic Games. It was a strong response to not being invited to the Paris Games. This reflects Russia's deep dissatisfaction with the politicisation and dual branding of sport. They believe that such behavior not only undermines the integrity of sports, but also disrespects all athletes. It also means that even though Russia is not invited to the Games, they will still be able to attract a large number of athletes in their own venues. It was a powerful riposte, to be sure, and showed that Russia was not deterred by its exclusion from the Games.

Since the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Russia has been subjected to sanctions and isolation from Western countries. On the international sports stage, Russian athletes are inevitably affected by political factors. The decision to ban Russia from the Paris Olympics not only has a direct bearing on the rights and future of Russian athletes, but also has a broad impact on the international sports community, as well as the global political and economic environment.

First of all, it's a big blow for Russian athletes. They have long achieved excellent results in various competitions and won honors for the country. However, due to political factors, they were denied the opportunity to participate in the Paris Olympics, which is undoubtedly a denial of their hard work and efforts. This not only affects their career and future development, but may also have a negative impact on their psychological state.

Second, the ban on Russia has also had an impact on the competitive landscape of international sport. Russia has always been a sports powerhouse, with strong competitiveness in several sports. Their absence will make some sports less competitive and may affect the overall attractiveness of the Games. At the same time, it has sparked discussion and reflection on the interference of political factors in international sports events.

In addition, from an economic and commercial point of view, banning Russia will also have a certain impact on the IOC and related sponsors. Russia is a big sports country with a huge sports market and audience base. Their absence could lead to a loss of viewers and sponsors, affecting the ratings and commercial value of the Games.

Sports events should be a platform to promote international friendship and understanding, and a platform to transcend politics, instead of turning sports events into tools of political struggle, and the intervention of political factors will only taint the essence of sports and increase tensions in international relations. By holding sports events in a fair, just, open and inclusive manner, countries around the world can work together to create a more harmonious and inclusive world, and make sports a bond that connects people around the world and brings common joy and hope to all mankind.


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