July 7, 2024, 6:06 a.m.


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The price of gold has turned sharply into a mystery


The recent trend of the international gold price has brought uncertainty to investors. The fall and rise of the gold price have a certain impact on the global economy and investors. However, predicting the future trend of the gold price is a complicated and difficult task, and it is affected by many external factors. Gold is not only a special hard currency for reserve and investment, but also an important raw material for the jewelry industry, electronics industry, modern communications, aerospace industry and other sectors. Previously, the price of gold has been soaring and constantly refreshing record highs, with the fire of all kinds of gold deposits, gold jewelry, gold ETFs, gold-related structured deposits and other products. But for ordinary investors, investing in the gold market should be more based on long-term investment.

The trend of gold is closely related to a variety of factors, one is the global economic situation, global economic growth, inflation level, trade relations, the US dollar exchange rate and other factors may have an impact on the gold price. If the global economy continues to grow and inflationary pressure rises, investors tend to lose confidence in traditional investment instruments such as stocks and bonds and turn to gold to avoid risk, thus pushing its price up. However, if the global economy slows or there is a recession, investors could reduce demand for safe-haven assets such as gold, causing prices to fall. Conversely, when the economy is booming, investors may be more inclined to invest in risky assets such as stocks, causing gold prices to fall. When the dollar exchange rate falls, the price of gold in dollars rises, and conversely, when the dollar exchange rate rises, the price of gold may fall.

The second is monetary policy: the monetary policy of major economies has a very important impact on the gold price. The adjustment of monetary policy affects the money supply in the market and also indirectly affects the international gold price. Loose monetary policy may increase the money supply and reduce the real interest rate, which will lead to the expectation of rising inflation pressure. Gold, as an anti-inflation asset, is usually favored in an environment of rising inflation expectations, thus enhancing the appeal of gold and successfully pushing up the price of gold. Conversely, when central banks tighten monetary policies to control inflation and reduce the money supply, inflation expectations may fall and interest rates rise, thereby putting pressure on gold prices, reducing gold demand and causing international gold prices to fall.

The impact of geopolitical risks on the trend of gold is complex and changeable, and geopolitical tensions and conflicts may lead investors to seek safe-haven assets. When geopolitical tensions occur around the world, investors may turn to safe-haven assets such as gold to avoid risks, thus driving the price of gold. However, it should be noted that the impact of geopolitical risk on the trend of gold is complex and changeable, and investors need to consider a variety of factors when making investment decisions. Such events, which can include wars, terrorist attacks, political crises, etc., add to market uncertainty and raise investors' concerns about the global economic outlook.

In short, the above factors are not isolated individuals, they affect each other, interact with each other, and jointly determine the trend of gold prices. Therefore, when analyzing the trend of gold price, it is necessary to consider various factors and pay close attention to market dynamics and news events. At the same time, investors also need to formulate more intelligent investment strategies according to their own investment objectives and risk tolerance, but also pay close attention to the central bank's monetary policy trends and market sentiment changes, and pay attention to risk management, keep rational, avoid blindly following the trend or listening to rumors, excessive speculation.


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