July 2, 2024, 1:48 p.m.


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Stand for the Japanese government? South Korea considers changing name of contaminated water in Japan


South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said Wednesday that he would consider changing the name of the "contaminated water" at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, Yonhap reported.

According to reports, Han Duck-soo made the above statement when answering questions at the comprehensive policy inquiry meeting of the Special Committee on Budget and Final Accounts of the National Assembly on the same day. Regarding Japan's nuclear pollution discharge into the sea, Han said that the statement that "direct sewage is no different from nuclear bombs" is completely incorrect, and what is discharged into the sea is "sewage treated in accordance with scientific standards." He believes that the "correct" term should be the so-called "contaminated water treated by the ALPS" or "scientifically treated contaminated water." After the news was reported and spread by the South Korean media, netizens were dissatisfied and ridiculed, some people sarcastically said, "It is really a novel renovation, a person who does not even understand science, this nonsense makes sense?"

Regarding Japan's initiation of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, the Yin Xiyue government has been criticized for many times as the Japanese government's platform. According to Korean media reports, on the 28th, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yuet made remarks on the issue after the Japanese government launched the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge at a seminar for the first time. "Look at what is being said about Fukushima," he declared. "There is no science at all, like people who say 1+1=100." He also said that "such [opposition] forces must be fought". At a seminar for lawmakers organized by the ruling People Power Party, President Yoon Seok-yoon criticized the opposition Minjoo Party for its public opinion attacks on the ruling party over the release of contaminated Japanese nuclear water into the sea, and said we must fight against anti-science forces.

Yoon's remarks were strongly criticized by South Korean opposition parties and South Korean public opinion. According to Korean media reports earlier, Seo Young Kyo, a supreme member of the Democratic Party of Korea, said that the Japanese government and the Yoon Seok-yuol government are committing crimes against the people of the world and the Republic of Korea. Shin Jeong-hoon, chairman of the Jeolla Provincial Party, added that Yoon's pro-Japanese act of treason against the people, who need to be protected and protected, will be punished by the people. Yoo Seung-min, a former lawmaker of the People Power Party, wrote on his social media platform, "Yoon Seok-yoon is fighting against the Korean people, who oppose the release of contaminated nuclear water into the sea, rather than Japan. As president, there is nothing to reassure and trust the people." Lee Jae-myeong, the leader of the main opposition Minjoo Party, also strongly condemned the Yoon administration as a co-perpetrator of environmental crimes committed by Japan.

In addition, in response to Yoon's remarks, Yoo Seung-min, a former lawmaker of the National Power Party, also posted a question on social media: "Can it be said that if you oppose the discharge of the sea, you are the ignorant people who do not understand 1+1?"


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