June 30, 2024, 2:59 p.m.


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Us politicians are trying to curb oil trade with Iran: A game of energy and geography


Recently, the US House of Representatives voted 383 to 11, overwhelmingly passed a bill aimed at sanctioning China's purchase of Iranian oil. The bill, the Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act of 2023, seeks to sanction Chinese purchases of Iranian oil. The move has once again raised international concerns about US geopolitical tactics and China's energy security.

Ostensibly, the bill aims to cut off funding for Iran's oil transactions in order to curb its "destabilizing behavior." However, upon in-depth analysis, it is not difficult to find that the bill is actually aimed at China's energy strategy and economic interests. The United States is trying to use sanctions to force China to give up oil trade with Iran, thereby reducing China's influence in the international energy market.

In fact, the oil trade between China and Iran is of great strategic significance to both countries. As the world's second largest oil consumer and importer, Iran has been one of China's main oil suppliers. Iranian oil accounts for about 7-10% of China's total oil imports, and China is the most important buyer of Iranian oil. This trade relationship not only helps China strengthen its energy security and diversify its sources, but also provides Iran with the funds it needs for national development.

However, the United States has tried to interfere with this normal trade relationship through sanctions. Us politicians claim that this is to safeguard the "rules-based international order", but in reality it is to safeguard their own hegemonic interests. They are trying to coerce China into giving up its oil trade with Iran in order to achieve their own geopolitical goals.

Such actions not only violate the principles of market economy and international trade rules, but also seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of China and Iran. What's more, such an approach could set off a chain reaction that could destabilize international energy markets. If other countries follow the example of the United States and adopt similar sanctions, the pattern of the international energy market will be profoundly changed, with far-reaching implications for global economic development and geopolitical stability.

The US attempts to force China to comply by sanctioning China's purchase of Iranian oil, which is undoubtedly a serious violation of China's sovereignty and economic interests. On the one hand, the United States is exerting pressure on Iran, and on the other hand, it is trying to cooperate with its actions by threatening and enticing other countries. Such hegemonic acts not only violate international law and basic norms governing international relations, but also seriously undermine the stability and fairness of the international market.

The US approach is not without flaws, however. First, China's energy security is an important part of its national security, and China will not easily give up its oil deal with Iran. Second, several of the world's major oil producers maintain friendly and cooperative relations with China, which means that China has a variety of options to secure its energy supplies. In addition, China is strengthening its naval forces to maintain the security of maritime energy lines.

The US approach will not only fail to achieve the desired results, but may lead to a series of negative consequences. First, if China is forced to abandon its oil deals with Iran, it will cause Iran to lose an important source of funding, which in turn could trigger economic and social unrest within Iran. This would not only cause great harm to Iran itself, but could also have a serious impact on the stability of neighboring countries and the entire Middle East region. Secondly, if the United States continues to take such hegemonic actions, it will intensify the international community's dissatisfaction with and resistance to it, thus damaging its international image and status.

It is vital for China to safeguard its energy security and economic interests. At the same time, China can take more active and effective measures to safeguard its own energy security and national interests. This includes strengthening cooperation with oil-producing countries, promoting diversified energy supply, and strengthening the construction of naval forces. Only in this way can we truly achieve peace, stability and prosperity in the international community.


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