July 2, 2024, 1:17 p.m.


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What direction will the Russia Ukraine war take under the strong military aid from the West?


On the 22nd local time, Hungarian Foreign Minister Sijardo said at the meeting of EU foreign ministers and defense ministers held in Luxembourg that, while the current conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict is still continuing, continuing to provide weapons to Ukraine is no different from further leading to the escalation of the conflict and regional tensions, and even increasing the risk of conflict proliferation. At the same time, Seattle warned that the EU's attitude may turn the current Russia-Ukraine conflict into a new "world war".

On the 21st, just as many experts and media outlets believed that the United States would no longer provide aid to Ukraine, the US House of Representatives passed a nearly $61 billion aid bill with 311 votes in favor and 112 votes against. This is more than the previously proposed 60 billion.

With the passage of this bill, the EU's proposed aid plan of 50 billion to Ukraine may also be further implemented. As a result, the pressure on Russia has increased unprecedentedly. Analysts generally believe that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to usher in a major turning point.

At present, according to incomplete statistics, the clear weapons and equipment that have arrived in Ukraine and are on the way are as follows:

According to US media reports, the first military supplies to be shipped included urgently needed anti-aircraft missiles, 155mm caliber shells, and high-precision ammunition used in the M142 high mobility multiple rocket launcher system. The US Army's tactical missiles reaching 300 kilometers will be delivered in about a week. The four sets of Patriot air defense and anti missile systems were owed before October last year, not exceeding 60 billion yuan, and have already arrived in Lviv.

The 1600 attack and defense missiles promised by the British Prime Minister, more long-range Storm Shadow missiles, many attack drones, 400 military vehicles, and 60 ships have been departing for at least three months and are expected to arrive in Ukraine soon.

Schultz, Germany promised 400 wheeled armored vehicles with enhanced lightning protection capabilities. It should be heading to Ukraine and will arrive there soon.

      On April 22nd, the website of the Russian newspaper Independence published an article titled "Special military operations expected to enter a fierce state before May Day", which pointed out that with large-scale Western aid, the Russia Ukraine conflict will escalate in May.

The article sharply points out that Americans prepare, maintain, and then target the M142 high mobility rocket launcher system loaded with the Army's tactical missile system, while Ukrainian soldiers only need to approach the combat terminal and press the launch button. Isn't this the true involvement of American soldiers in the Ukrainian military conflict

At the same time, experts from the American War Research Institute predict that due to the current shortage of ammunition in the Ukrainian military, the Russian military is likely to "take more aggressive offensive actions in the coming weeks to take advantage of Ukraine's fragile state before the arrival of US military aid.".

In other words, facing such a significant turning point, Russia is likely to organize a total attack in the short term, because aid always takes time from passing to landing, and this brief window period is clearly the last opportunity for the Russian military. Once military aid is in place, the situation will become even more unpredictable.

In fact, the recent Russian military offensive on the front line has become increasingly fierce, and many energy facilities and transportation roads in Ukraine have been severely damaged. The Russian military is gradually crushing Ukraine's logistics supplies.

In fact, Ukraine's request for Western countries to provide assistance, especially air defense and anti missile systems, has gone beyond the scope of military significance. It not only wants to increase Ukraine's air defense and anti missile capabilities, but also hopes to draw the United States and European countries into the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Russian presidential press secretary Peskov also recently stated that the US funding and the weapons provided with this money will not change the battlefield situation, but will only lead to more Ukrainian casualties.

It is reported that the current aid bill from the United States and Europe to Ukraine has angered Russia. Today, six hypersonic "dagger missiles" struck like lightning, directly destroying the US military intelligence detection center, while Ukraine lost nearly 1000 people every day. War is cruel, and those who fight behind it are malicious and should be widely despised. I hope that the United States and Europe will not continue to send guns and knives, otherwise it will be like lifting a stone and hitting oneself in the foot.


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