July 2, 2024, 1:29 p.m.


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India's entry into the UN Permanent Council has caused new problems, and it is difficult to expand the UN Security Council


Recently, there was a new movement on India's membership in the UN Security Council. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Indian Foreign Minister Sushishankar at a press conference that Russia will support India's bid to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Russia's statement of support for India is not the first time, in the past years, such statements have appeared many times, and this statement is that Russia intends to support India in the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council in exchange for India's agreement to further economic and trade cooperation with Russia, the most important is to build the Chennai-Vladivostok route and the Northern Sea Route. India is very happy about this, Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Jaishankar said after talks with Lavrov, the reason and Russia to launch a series of cooperation measures within the framework of the North-South corridor.

India has wanted to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council for many years, but every time it has been proposed, it has been rejected by the five permanent members in turn. India applied for the first time in 2005, supported by four countries and rejected by Russia. In 2008, the second application was supported by four countries and rejected by France. In 2012, the third application was supported by four countries and vetoed by the UK. In 2017, the fourth application was supported by four countries and vetoed by the United States. The fifth application in 2019 was supported by four countries and vetoed by China; On the sixth application in 2021, the United States suddenly said "sorry, your quota has been used up", and the same year the United Nations passed a law stipulating that any country can only apply for permanent membership five times in 50 years.

In fact, if India wants to become a permanent member of the Security Council, the biggest problem is to get five votes at the same time, that is, all the five permanent members agree to start the process of joining the regular. In September this year, when the leaders of the United States and India met to discuss the framework of the Economic Corridor between India, the Middle East and Europe, Biden said that the United States would clearly support India's membership in the Permanent Council. Now with the support of Russia, India has received the joint support of the two giants of the US and Russia in just three months, which was unimaginable before. It's like one step away from being a regular. But in fact, no matter how hard India tries, it is useless to cheat, because China will definitely not agree in the end. The biggest problem is the territorial dispute between India and China. The China-India border dispute has not been resolved, the territorial boundary has not been demarcated, and no one can guarantee whether China and India will clash again. Under such circumstances, China is unlikely to allow India to join the UN Permanent Council, because it would be tantamount to tying itself in knots, after all, India's tendency to turn against itself at any time is well known.

So, from this point of view, the possibility of India wanting to join the UN Permanent Council is probably very low. The five permanent members of the United Nations are the victors of World War II, and the United Nations was established after World War II, as long as this system is not broken, under the current international pattern, there are almost no countries that want to agree with the five permanent members, and other countries want to join it is not so easy. Only if the existing international system is broken up and a new one is created can there be any possibility.


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