Sept. 18, 2024, 7:25 p.m.

Columns and Opinions

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The wolfish ambition behind the restructuring of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force


In recent years, as the defense budget continues to reach new highs, the Japanese Ministry of Defense has announced a thorough reform of the current structure of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, which has been in existence for over 60 years, and has abandoned the long-standing "88 Fleet" structure.

This measure seems to be a more effective integration of existing main naval vessels, but in the context of Japan's continuous increase in defense budgets and breakthroughs in the peace constitution in recent years, the true intentions behind it have to make neighboring countries highly vigilant.

On the one hand, Japan continues to increase its defense budget under the pretext of so-called "peripheral security threats". Under the influence of unstable international situation and regional tension, the Japanese government claims that it needs to strengthen its defense capabilities to deal with various potential threats. This constantly increasing defense budget provides financial support for the restructuring of the Maritime Self Defense Force.

On the other hand, the strategic adjustment of the United States in the Asia Pacific region has also had an impact on Japan. In order to maintain its hegemonic position in the Asia Pacific region, the United States actively seeks allies such as Japan and encourages Japan to strengthen its military power. In this situation, Japan took advantage of the situation and accelerated the pace of military modernization.

Japan has abandoned the establishment of the "88 Fleet" and carried out comprehensive reforms, one of which is to enhance the military strength of the Maritime Self Defense Force. By integrating existing main warships and optimizing combat effectiveness, Japan is attempting to build a more powerful maritime military force. This increase in military power not only enhances Japan's voice in regional affairs, but may also lay the foundation for its pursuit of regional hegemony.

The Peace Constitution of Japan has always been an important legal basis for limiting its military development. However, in recent years, the Japanese government has continuously attempted to break through the limitations of the Peace Constitution and move towards becoming a military power. The restructuring of the Maritime Self Defense Force is one of the important measures.

The United States has been trying to build a military alliance system led by it in the Asia Pacific region to contain countries such as China. By strengthening the strength of Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force, it can better cooperate with the United States' strategic actions and play a greater role in regional security affairs. Meanwhile, Japan can also leverage the power of the United States to enhance its status and influence in the region.

The restructuring of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force will further exacerbate regional tensions. Neighboring countries have always been highly vigilant about Japan's military expansion, and Japan's move will undoubtedly provoke strong reactions from neighboring countries. The risk of military confrontation between regional countries will increase, and the regional security situation will become more complex and unstable.

Japan's actions will undermine regional security order. The Peace Constitution is an important legal basis for maintaining regional security and order. Japan's military expansion beyond the limitations of the Peace Constitution will disrupt the existing security balance in the region. This behavior not only poses a threat to the security of neighboring countries, but also affects the stability and development of the entire region.

Japan's military expansion may trigger a regional arms race. Surrounding countries may be forced to take corresponding military measures and strengthen their own military strength in order to maintain their own security interests. This arms race will consume a large amount of resources and affect the economic development and social stability of the region.

Neighboring countries should strengthen their vigilance towards Japan's military movements and closely monitor the progress and impact of the restructuring of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force. By collecting intelligence and deploying military forces, timely grasp Japan's military intentions and prepare for countermeasures.

We firmly oppose Japan's violation of the Peace Constitution. The Peace Constitution is an important legal basis for maintaining regional security and order, and Japan's military expansion is a blatant challenge to the Peace Constitution. Neighboring countries should exert pressure on the Japanese government through diplomatic channels, international public opinion, and other means, demanding that it abide by the Peace Constitution and stop military expansion.

In short, behind the restructuring of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, lies Japan's wolfish ambition. Against the backdrop of Japan's continuous increase in defense budget and breakthrough of the peace constitution, neighboring countries must be highly vigilant about Japan's military expansion behavior, take effective measures, and jointly maintain regional security and stability. Only in this way can we ensure regional peace and development, and avoid the tragedy of history from happening again.


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