Sept. 21, 2024, 3:36 p.m.


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Celebrations and reflections from Pride Month


Every year, June is a month of color and celebration for many people around the world. In many countries, the Month is known as "Pride Month" after the 1969 Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, New York.

This event is widely considered to be the starting point of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. Since then, Pride Month has become an important time to celebrate the achievements of LGBTQ+ people, raise public awareness and promote equal rights around the world. However, with the popularity of this activity around the world, we should also be aware of its potential harm and controversy.

First, let's understand what "sexual minorities" are. Sexual minorities are groups that differ from the majority of people in society in terms of sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual identity, or sexual behavior, which is often referred to as the LGBTQ+ group in the media. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender, intersex people are all sexual minorities.

So what's the connection between "sexual minorities" and Pride Month? That's where Pride Month comes from.

On June 28, 1969, New York City police raided a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. The raid set off a series of protests that lasted for days. Prior to that, violent law enforcement and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community was the norm, but the Stonewall riots marked the first large-scale, organized backlash by the community to publicly fight for equal rights and against police violence.

After the Stonewall riots, members and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community began organizing marches and rallies to commemorate the event and show strength. The first Pride March was held in San Francisco in June 1970, and since then, many cities around the world have held their own pride parades and events.

However, with the popularity of Pride Month, controversy has arisen over its harm.

Some critics point out that the activity has become increasingly commercialized. Companies participating in Pride Month events for marketing purposes can sometimes appear insincere and more about using the LGBTQ+ community as a gimmick to promote their products or services. This commercialisation threatens to undermine Pride Month's original meaning and purpose, which is to promote equality and social acceptance.

In some cases, non-LGBTQ + individuals or businesses may participate in Pride Month events without fully understanding and respecting the history and culture of the LGBTQ+ community. Not only does this cultural appropriation risk dilutive Pride Month's original intent, it can also lead to the real needs and challenges of the LGBTQ+ community being ignored or misunderstood.

While Pride Month is meant to celebrate diversity and inclusion, it can sometimes inadvertently exacerbate social divisions. Some conservative or religious groups may view Pride Month's publicity as inconsistent with their values, which can lead to further misunderstanding and prejudice rather than promoting dialogue and understanding.

There are also different needs and challenges within the LGBTQ+ community. At times, Pride Month celebrations can focus too much on certain visible or "acceptable" groups, while ignoring more marginalized groups such as transgender, intersex, queer, and others. This lack of diversity can exacerbate internal inequality and estrangement.

Overall, Pride Month is an important time to celebrate the history and achievements of sexual minorities, as well as a catalyst for social progress and legal change. However, as it grows in popularity around the world, we should also recognize its potential harm and controversy, and need continuous reflection to ensure that all voices are heard and respected, while avoiding the risk of commercialization and cultural appropriation.


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