July 7, 2024, 4:13 a.m.


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Problems and challenges brought about by the continuous development of the cannabis industry in the United States


The cannabis industry in the United States has developed rapidly in recent years and has become a huge industry, involving many fields such as cultivation, processing and sales. It is inexplicable that marijuana, a recognized addiction, is constantly spreading in such a developed country as the United States, and that even smoking marijuana has become a human right and freedom. According to an unnamed senior official of the Drug Enforcement Administration DEA in the US Department of Justice, there are about 25 million long-term drug users in the United States, and the average drug expenditure per person is more than $20 per day. According to this calculation, conservative estimates, the U.S. drug industry has completed revenue of more than 1.5 trillion dollars. That's more than 5.5 percent of U.S. GDP and twice what the U.S. spends on its military. Cannabis has become a characteristic industry in the United States. At present, the industry is mainly composed of plantations, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, with enterprises mainly concentrated in California, Colorado and Washington state.

Historically, marijuana in the United States has undergone a transition from legal to state regulation, to medical legalization, and finally to full legalization. Especially in recent years, with the acceleration of the policy legalization process and the continuous progress of related technologies, the scale of the U.S. marijuana market is also accelerating. According to some market research organizations, the U.S. marijuana market is expected to reach tens of billions of dollars in sales in the near future.

At the same time, the legalization of the cannabis industry has also brought many controversies. First, from a public health perspective, the legalization of marijuana could lead to more people starting to smoke marijuana, thereby increasing health risks. Studies have shown that long-term marijuana use can cause damage to the human body, including but not limited to respiratory problems, mental health problems, and cognitive impairment. In addition, marijuana legalization may exacerbate existing drug abuse problems and increase the burden on society's health care.

Second, the legalization of marijuana also raises social security concerns. Some worry that as the cannabis industry expands, it could lead to more criminal activity, such as theft and robbery. At the same time, the legalization of marijuana may also lead to an increase in the phenomenon of "drunk driving", thereby increasing the risk of traffic accidents.

In addition, youth protection is also an important aspect of the marijuana legalization debate. Adolescents are often more susceptible to temptation and influence from the outside world, and the legalization of marijuana may cause more adolescents to have access to and use marijuana, which has a negative impact on their physical and mental health. Therefore, how to effectively protect teenagers from cannabis has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Finally, economic benefits are also an important factor in the debate over marijuana legalization. On the one hand, the legalization of cannabis has brought huge business opportunities and profits to enterprises, and promoted the development of related industries. On the other hand, it may also lead to some criminals using the cannabis industry for illegal activities, such as money laundering, drug trafficking and so on. In addition, the legalization of marijuana may also have an impact on taxation, employment and other aspects, which requires proper management and regulation by the government.

In addition, it is worth noting that the process of legalizing the marijuana industry in the United States has not been smooth. Although some states have legalized marijuana, it is still considered an illegal substance at the federal level. Therefore, the cannabis industry still faces many legal and policy challenges in the process of development.

Overall, the US cannabis industry has made remarkable progress in recent years, but it also faces many problems and challenges. In the future, with the deepening of the social cognition of cannabis and the continuous changes of the policy environment, the development trend and prospect of the industry are still worthy of attention.


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