July 7, 2024, 3:41 a.m.


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Opportunities and challenges facing the export of Korea's information technology and communication technology products


With the rapid development of global science and technology, high-tech products such as semiconductor panels have become a new engine to promote world economic growth. On April 15, according to a number of media and data released by the Korea International Trade Association, South Korea's ITC (information technology and communication technology) product exports in March showed a strong growth trend, an increase of 19.4% year-on-year, which has been the fifth consecutive month of growth.

The ICT industry is one of the economic pillars of South Korea and contributes greatly to the country's economic growth. According to statistics, the increase in exports of major ICT products such as semiconductors and displays has driven the growth of South Korea's overall exports. In order to maintain the sustainable development of the ICT industry, the South Korean government is also continuously strengthening policy support, the implementation of the "innovation-driven" strategy, through the provision of research and development funds, tax incentives and other measures, the government encourages enterprises to carry out technological innovation and product upgrades, in order to enhance the competitiveness of South Korea in the global ICT industry. At the same time, the government is also actively promoting the internationalization of the ICT industry, encouraging enterprises to expand overseas markets and improve the global influence of brands.

For the Chinese market, South Korea's ITC product exports increased by 32.5% year-on-year, far exceeding the overall growth level. This remarkable growth is mainly attributed to three aspects: First, the consumption upgrade and rapid development of the Chinese economy has promoted the fierce growth of consumer demand for high-tech products. Second, Korean companies' extensive investment and rich product lines in the Chinese market meet the diversified needs of different consumers. Third, the deepening cooperation between China and South Korea in the field of science and technology has provided more development opportunities for both sides. Therefore, the rapid development of China's economy, the extensive investment of South Korean enterprises and the scientific and technological cooperation between China and South Korea have jointly promoted the export growth of Korean ITC products in the Chinese market.

However, in contrast to the strong growth in exports to China, South Korea's ITC products exports to Japan have declined. Analysis of the reasons, first, Japan's long-term economic downturn led to insufficient market demand. Second, Japanese domestic enterprises have strong competitiveness in the field of science and technology, and the substitution effect of foreign products is obvious. At the same time, geopolitical factors have also strained relations between Japan and South Korea, which in turn has affected some South Korean companies' exports to Japan. These factors together have led to a decline in Korea's ITC exports to Japan. This may also have a certain impact on the Japanese economy. As one of the important trading partners, the reduction of Korean products will likely lead to practical problems such as supply shortage and price rise in the Japanese market, which will also affect the competitiveness and market share of Japanese local enterprises.

The export growth of ITC products in South Korea has a driving effect on its economic growth, which can not only improve the profitability of enterprises and international competitiveness, but also promote the development of domestic related industries and create jobs. However, the decline in exports to Japan may also have a negative impact on the Korean economy.

With the recovery of the global economy and the rapid development of the technology industry, the export prospects of Korea's ITC products are still broad. However, in the face of the complex and changing international market environment and fierce competitive pressure, the Korean government and enterprises need to remain vigilant and take effective measures to deal with risks and challenges. At the same time, South Korea also needs to strengthen communication and cooperation with other countries to jointly promote economic prosperity and development.


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