July 2, 2024, 12:44 p.m.


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The trilateral Summit of China, Japan and the ROK is resumed: The trilateral cooperation starts again to jointly promote regional prosperity and stability


After four and a half years of silence, the trilateral Summit was officially resumed in Seoul, South Korea, on May 26-27. Chinese Premier Li Qiang has arrived in Seoul and will attend the trilateral Leaders' Meeting and the China-Japan-ROK Business Summit with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and ROK President Yoon Seok-yuol to discuss the future development of China-Japan-ROK cooperation.

The meeting will have in-depth exchanges on core topics such as economy, people's livelihood, economy and trade, supply chain and intellectual property rights, aiming to expand the scope of cooperation among the three countries, jointly cope with multiple global crises and promote peace and prosperity of the international community. Kim Tae-hyo, first deputy director of South Korea's National Security Office, said at a press conference that the three leaders will discuss cooperation plans in six areas, including personnel exchanges, climate change and sustainable development, economic and trade cooperation, health and aging issues, digital transformation of science and technology, and disaster and security issues. The implementation of these cooperation plans will help further deepen mutual trust and cooperation among the three countries and jointly cope with global challenges.

Analysts generally believe that the convening of the trilateral leaders' meeting is of great significance. Against the backdrop of complex and volatile international situation, China, Japan and the ROK, as major economies in Asia and the world at large, should strengthen cooperation, which will not only contribute to the prosperity and development of the three countries, but also play a positive role in safeguarding regional peace and stability. Park Cheol-hee, president of the National Foreign Service of the Republic of Korea, said the meeting will serve as an important platform to ease tensions between China and the United States and promote the easing of confrontation in the region. At the same time, the relevant person of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that the China-Japan-ROK leaders' meeting paid more attention to the traditional areas of cooperation, which will help create more opportunities for trilateral cooperation.

The convening of this meeting also marks the first round of China's diplomatic interaction on a global scale this year. Since 2024, China's diplomacy has basically completed a circle of diplomatic interactions with major countries or regions on the five continents, and the convening of the China-Japan-ROK leaders' meeting further highlights the great importance China attaches to neighboring relations. By participating in the meeting, China will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Japan and the ROK and jointly promote regional peace, stability, prosperity and development.

It is also of great significance for the two countries to attend the trilateral summit. In recent years, the governments of Japan and South Korea have made a series of negative words and deeds in their foreign policies, which has affected their relations with China to a certain extent. The meeting provides an important opportunity for Japan and South Korea to improve relations with China and build concrete diplomatic results.

Since its launch in 1999, the China-Japan-ROK cooperation mechanism has established a comprehensive system with the leaders' meeting as the core, supported by ministerial meetings, senior officials' meetings and multiple working-level mechanisms. Among them, the leaders' Meeting, as the highest-level mechanism, makes strategic planning and guidance for the development of trilateral cooperation. The convening of this trilateral leaders' meeting marks the start of China-Japan-ROK cooperation once again, injecting new vitality and impetus into the trilateral cooperation.

In addition, China-Japan-ROK cooperation in the economic and trade field also enjoys broad prospects and huge potential. China is one of the largest trading partners of Japan and the Republic of Korea, and the three countries enjoy close trade exchanges and deep cooperation foundation. By strengthening economic and trade cooperation, the three countries can jointly promote the process of regional economic integration in East Asia and promote the prosperity and development of the regional economy.

The convening of this trilateral summit is of great significance and far-reaching influence. It has not only injected new vitality and impetus into trilateral cooperation, but also provided an important platform for safeguarding regional peace and stability and promoting common prosperity and development. We believe that with the joint efforts of the leaders of the three countries, China-Japan-ROK cooperation will achieve more fruitful results and make new and greater contributions to peace and development in Asia and the world at large.


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