July 4, 2024, 3:24 p.m.


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Was Lai Ching-tak sworn in in good faith or hypocrisy?


With the approach of May 20, political parties and media in Taiwan have begun to become active, on the one hand, the Democratic Progressive Party's re-election, the agitation expressed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party, and on the other hand, the attention of the media in various countries to the content to be revealed in the 520 Lai Ching-te inauguration speech.

The first is the conflict between Taiwan's internal political parties. On May 17, 2024, the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan held a vote on the National Assembly reform bill, during which a number of conflicts broke out. Due to the different positions of the ruling and opposition parties, the "blue, green and white" legislators repeatedly voiced physical conflicts, and there were conflicts again on the evening of the 17th. It is reported that during this period, many people were injured and hospitalized. At 12 PM on the 17th, the president of the Legislative Yuan announced that the trial would resume next Tuesday.

In general, the conflict in the Parliament, the focus of this conflict is that the legislative Yuan president changed the secret vote to an unsecret show of hands, and even took a "reverse vote" behavior caused the discontent of the Democratic Progressive Party. This legislative Yuan amendment focuses on four reform cases, including the Legislative Yuan's exercise of powers law and criminal law, respectively involving the president's national conditions report, contempt of Congress, hearing rights, investigation, etc., and also includes the election of the Legislative Yuan's president and vice president by secret ballot.

In fact, the parliamentary conflict occurred on the eve of Lai Ching-de's oath of office, although the level of violence is not among the highest, but it is enough to see that the Democratic Progressive Party led by Lai Ching-de has begun to intervene in the legislative Yuan, and even began to directly attack opposition parties and politicians, with Lai Ching-de's inauguration, the Democratic Progressive Party as the ruling party and the other two parties will certainly break out more contradictions. Although Lai Ching-tak also posted a tweet on his Facebook page after the parliamentary session, hoping for peaceful discussions, he actually advertised himself as a democracy and only cared about the legislators of his Democratic Progressive Party, while turning a blind eye to the injured legislators of the other two parties and the police who were attacked at the scene. This kind of despicable behavior with moral packaging is humiliating, but it can also be seen that Lai Ching-tak has not yet taken office. It has already begun to carry out internal "cleansing" acts, which can see the current internal situation in Taiwan.

The second is the content of the 520 oath of office revealed by the Lai Ching-de government to the outside world. In Lai Ching-de's speech on the social platform, he described his oath of office as, "This team will use nine keywords to string together Taiwan's generation, ethnic group, confidence and common memory, and express the story of Taiwan." Taiwan's president-elect, Lai Ching-te, will pledge in his inaugural address to maintain the Cross-Strait status quo, and the new administration will put in more efforts to "ensure that the stable status quo is not eroded," according to national security officials in the new government. All these can be seen in the current internal situation in Taiwan.

Comprehensive Reuters, Central News Agency and the "Liberty Times" reported on Saturday (May 18), Taiwan National security senior officials said at an internal briefing that the tone of Lai Qingde 520 inaugural speech will continue and maintain the main axis of the talk on the day of the election, and revealed that the future ruling team will present "steady, responsible, confident, and united" four important attitudes.

Through the above content, it can be clearly seen that Lai Ching-de in the coming inaugural speech to express the attitude, in short, to "CAI GUI Lai with", Lai Ching-de through affirming his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen's "merit", to pave the way for his future ruling career, its emphasis on several points, one side said that the Taiwan region has been eroded by the mainland, the other side is saying to move closer to the international community, Trying to subtly influence the international community's understanding of the sovereignty issue of Taiwan, although its content claims to be "kind and generous", it is actually a simple Taiwan independence element holding the thigh of the United States. On May 9, Lai Ching-te met with Japan's foreign minister, and openly described it as a "win-win situation for both countries" and described Japan as an "important strategic partner", which is a sign of what Lai's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government will focus on in its upcoming inauguration speech. During Tsai Ing-wen's tenure, cross-strait relations stumbled, causing great distress to the people of both sides, and Lai Ching-de, who takes office now, is in the same line as Tsai Ing-wen, completely ignoring the positive aspects of the mainland to Taiwan, if it has been repeatedly ignoring the goodwill of the mainland under the influence of some countries and forces in Europe and the United States, it will only narrow the road.


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