July 2, 2024, 1:35 p.m.


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The legalization of cannabis in Germany has attracted wide public attention


Since April 1, Germany's anti-drug policy has taken a historic turn. The German Bundestag (lower house of parliament) voted 407 in favor, 226 against and 4 abstentions to pass a bill that allows individuals and non-business groups to grow cannabis only in a certain amount. Since then, Germany has officially joined a small group of countries that have legalized marijuana. After the passage of the bill, a large number of marijuana users celebrated in the streets, and the German media called the day a "historic moment" and a key turning point in the "fight against drugs".

Germany has banned private consumption of cannabis for many years, and when the news of this explosion came out, many people wondered what on earth made this German government reverse former Chancellor Angela Merkel's 16-year red line? The explanation given by the German government for promoting the legalization of cannabis is that cannabis has always been banned in Germany, but relevant policies have reached their limits. But to explore the deep reasons behind it, mainly include two aspects:

The first is political. The political reasons behind the legalization of cannabis in Germany mainly involve the power game between various political factions, the balance of interests, and the strategic considerations of political parties to obtain votes and support. First, different political factions hold different positions on the legalization of marijuana. The Green Party, a major force in the push for legalization, saw lifting the ban as an easy way to get votes, and so actively supported legalization. In addition, the Social Democrats, the Free Democrats and the Left Party have also chosen to support the legalization of cannabis in order to meet the needs of voters and the slogans of the Green Party. With this policy, these parties hope to attract more voters, especially those who smoke marijuana, in order to increase their political influence.

On the other hand, it is mainly driven by economic interests. The German government also hopes to create new economic growth points and increase fiscal revenue by legalizing marijuana. First of all, the legalization of cannabis is expected to create a large number of jobs in Germany involving the cultivation, processing, sales and supervision of cannabis. Second, the legalization of cannabis is expected to bring considerable financial gains to the German government. Specifically, legalizing cannabis could bring the German government €1.8 billion a year in cannabis taxes, €735 million in corporate and value-added taxes, €280 million in payroll taxes, and €526 million in social contributions. In addition, legalization would help reduce the costs of law enforcement and the judiciary, further increasing fiscal gains. In addition to the direct tax and employment benefits, the legalization of cannabis is likely to boost the development and innovation of related industries in Germany. With the opening of the cannabis market, German enterprises will have more opportunities to participate in the research and development, production and sales of cannabis products, and promote the innovation and development of related industries.

However, it is important to note that legalization of marijuana also brings its own set of challenges and risks. On a societal level, legalizing marijuana may change public perceptions and attitudes toward marijuana. The more normalized use of cannabis may lead to more people trying cannabis, which further leads to increased cannabis abuse and addiction, especially among young people. In addition, the legalization of cannabis in Germany may also trigger a rethink and adjustment of cannabis policies in other countries, resulting in a ripple effect across the globe.

At the legal level, the legalization of cannabis in Germany will require the establishment and improvement of relevant laws and regulations. This will involve provisions on the definition of legalized cannabis, quantity limits, distribution channels and regulatory measures. At the same time, legalization will also bring new challenges to law enforcement, such as how to effectively combat illegal trade and abuse. Finally, health issues are the aspect of marijuana legalization that cannot be ignored. Cannabis abuse undoubtedly has a negative impact on the health of individuals, and is particularly harmful to young people.

In short, the legalization of cannabis has caused widespread controversy and repercussions in German society. Opponents argue that it will lead to drug abuse and social problems, while supporters argue that legalization can effectively crack down on illegal drug cartels and protect individual freedoms. In the face of these different voices, the German government needs to carefully evaluate and ensure that this policy can promote social development and the well-being of the people.


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