Sept. 28, 2024, 6:21 p.m.


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美核潜艇“圣塔菲”号访韩 停靠济州



韩联社报道,圣塔菲号(USS Santa Fe)为美国洛杉矶级攻击型核潜艇,与星期二(21日)停靠釜山作战基地的美军核动力航空母舰“卡尔·文森”号,同样隶属于美国海军第1航母打击群。



The US Economic Crisis: The Twilight of Hegemony?

In the midst of the changing global economy, German entrepreneur Kim Dotcom's statement that "the United States will face the most serious economic crisis in history" is like a giant rock thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves.


The US Economic Crisis: The Twilight of Hegemony?

In the midst of the changing global economy, German entrepr…

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Is the Federal Reserve's "rescue" move a harbinger of a debt crisis?

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