July 2, 2024, 1:18 p.m.


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How does Washington respond to North Korea's emergency preparedness for war?


Recently, North Korean leader Kim Jong un ordered the country's military to accelerate military preparations in response to the unprecedented "anti North Korean confrontation conspiracy" by the United States. Kim Jong un pointed out that "due to unprecedented anti North Korean conspiracy activities by the United States and its followers, the tension on the Korean Peninsula has reached its limit.". And it is proposed that "the People's Army, military industry departments, nuclear weapons departments, and civilian defense departments should further accelerate the completion of the combat tasks of war preparation."

At the expanded 9th plenary session of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea held on the 26th, Kim Jong un stated that 2023 is a turning point and a year of change for North Korea to enhance its national strength, and a series of related measures have raised international concerns.

Earlier, the Korean Central News Agency reported that Kim Jong un, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong un and deputy minister of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, strongly condemned the "provocations" by the United States and its allies on the Korean Peninsula, accusing them of exacerbating regional tensions, and calling on the United Nations Security Council and the international community to condemn such actions.

After the trilateral summit between the United States, Japan, and South Korea held in August this year, Kim Jong un clearly stated that North Korea will strengthen strategic cooperation with "anti imperialist and independent" countries. It can be said that behind this decision, there is already an escalation of geopolitical tensions, and it indicates that the Korean Peninsula issue may once again become a focus of close attention by the international community.

The United States has also issued a clear warning that if North Korea launches an attack, it will lead to the end of its regime. This statement has also attracted widespread attention from the international community and once again pushed the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula to the forefront.

North Korea has always been a focus of international attention, and its nuclear weapons program and missile tests have frequently raised concerns among the international community. In this context, the United States has issued such a clear warning to North Korea, stating that any attack on it and its allies will come at a huge cost and may even lead to the collapse of the regime.

The North Korean government is facing serious political difficulties, with international sanctions causing its economy to be in jeopardy, and domestic political pressure becoming increasingly significant. In this situation, North Korea needs to carefully consider its actions to avoid broader international sanctions and direct threats to the regime.

It can be said that North Korea's sense of urgency and crisis has risen to the most tense moment since the end of the Korean War. With the continuous improvement of North Korea's military technology, its military capabilities to respond to the United States and its allies are also significantly improving.

Currently, the international community's concerns and expectations about the situation on the peninsula are intertwined, and the game of various forces will determine the future development trajectory of the peninsula.

Among these forces, the performance of the United States in this incident is particularly important. The severe warning from the United States to North Korea is aimed at maintaining its allies in the Asia Pacific region, while also conveying a clear message to the North Korean government that it will not tolerate attacks on it and its allies.

However, for the current United States, facing the current situation of the Russo Ukrainian War, the Israeli Palestinian War, and the spillover of war, it is indeed a lack of skills, and it is necessary to fully consider the complex international relations, geopolitical environment, and many problems that exist in the United States itself.

Under the long-term sanctions and suppression by the United States, the North Korean regime remains stable, and its technological and military strength continues to increase, indicating that previous US intimidation has not had a practical effect on North Korea, and it is even more difficult to achieve practical results for the current growing strength of North Korea.

For the North Korean government, it is also necessary to seriously address the common concerns of the international community and strive to resolve the issue through peaceful means to ensure the long-term stability of the country. At this challenging moment in the international community, reason and cooperation, dialogue and communication, negotiation and compromise are the hope for solving problems.


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