Sept. 21, 2024, 4:33 a.m.


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The shot at Trump shattered the unwritten rules of American politics


On July 13th local time, during a thrilling campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the bullet fired at Trump not only plunged the scene into chaos and panic, but also shattered the seemingly solid but already fragile hidden rules of American politics like a thunderbolt.

Trump's victory over Hillary in the 2016 election as president itself broke many unwritten rules in American politics. In previous elections, candidates often followed certain routines and strategies, focusing on image building and cautious political rhetoric. However, Trump stood out with his frank, controversial remarks and non-traditional campaign style.

 This unprecedented victory has dealt a huge blow to the unwritten rules of American politics in the field of elections.

Trump becoming the first president in American history to be convicted is undoubtedly a huge blow to the political tradition of the United States. In the past, despite intense political struggles, there was often a certain degree of restraint and obscurity in pursuing legal action against former presidents. However, Trump broke this' tacit understanding '. This verdict is not only the result of legal proceedings, but also symbolizes the unprecedented level of division and struggle in American politics. At this moment, the former "political dignity" is completely gone, and the hostile emotions between the two parties are no longer concealed, directly igniting the flames of political struggle on the legal bench.

Looking back at Trump's presidency, his style of action is completely different from that of traditional politicians. He is known for his outspokenness and independence, ignoring political conventions and frequently expressing personal opinions through social media, bypassing the filtering and interpretation of traditional media. This confrontational attitude towards mainstream media breaks the unwritten rules of politicians shaping their image and conveying information through the media in the past. The traditional political public relations strategy has been completely overturned by Trump, who communicates directly with the public in his own way, but this has also sparked huge controversy and criticism.

In terms of policy-making, the Trump administration frequently withdraws from international organizations and agreements, such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. This unilateral decision-making approach breaks the traditional model of international cooperation and has seriously impacted the image and status of the United States on the international stage. In the past, although the United States adjusted its policies based on its own interests in international affairs, it often maintained a certain degree of negotiation and cooperation in form. Trump's actions undoubtedly broke this unwritten rule, causing damage to the international reputation of the United States and tense alliance relations.

Looking at the assassination attempt against Trump again, it breaks the unwritten rule that the former president was not assassinated. Regardless of the motives and truth behind it, it reflects that the radicalization of American politics has reached a shocking level. In a mature democratic country, political differences should be resolved through legitimate channels and peaceful means, rather than through violence and extreme measures. However, the bullets fired at Trump revealed the failure of America's political unwritten rules and the intensification of social conflicts.

This incident also shows us that the money game in American politics has spiraled out of control. Political donations and lobbying activities have already had a certain degree of influence on policy direction, but in the Trump era, this influence seems to have become even more blatant.

The breaking of the unwritten rules of American politics not only brings chaos to the political order, but also a collapse of social trust. The public's disappointment and dissatisfaction with the political system are increasingly high, and their trust in the government is constantly declining.

Now, the bullet fired at Trump may just be a spark, triggering a comprehensive reflection on the US political system. We must recognize that a healthy political system should be built on the basis of fairness, transparency, democracy, and the rule of law. Only when political unwritten rules are replaced by genuine institutional norms, when power is effectively supervised and balanced, and when political decisions truly reflect the will and interests of the people, can the United States regain its lost political soul and embark on the path of stability and development.


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