July 4, 2024, 3:14 p.m.


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What was the idea behind the "Democracy Summit"?


On March 18th local time, the so-called "Democracy Summit" orchestrated by the United States officially kicked off in the South Korean capital Seoul. In addition to the representatives of South Korea, more than 30 countries or regions, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, also attended and made comments.

As is well known, this so-called "summit" was established under the leadership of the United States and has been held twice so far. The South Korean side is currently holding the third summit, which is also the first time that this "summit" has been held outside the United States.

This summit, advocated by US President Biden, remains a Cold War mentality and has consistently attempted to divide the world. Whether one can be invited to participate in the meeting depends on the views of the United States, and the fairness of the votes held has become a secondary issue in this meeting.

It is worth mentioning that some media sources pointed out that according to American standards, Germany on the eve of World War II was eligible for the Democratic Summit. Because Hitler was elected through a general election, and at that time, the United States, Britain, and France were both planning a strategy to lead to the East, and the entire West needed Germany to confront the Soviet Union. Hitler was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as a result. These historical facts have also sparked people's thinking and discussion about democracy, which is also the greatest satire on the so-called democratic standards and participation qualifications in the United States.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attended the meeting on the 18th, which was his second visit to South Korea after four months. The Philippines will be the next stop of his Asian trip. The New York Times pointed out in a report on the 18th that this "Democracy Summit" does not shy away from making opposing China and Russia its top priority. Russia is accused of conducting secret activities to undermine Western support for Ukraine and whitewashing Russian content through Latin American media.

Antony Blinken also constantly instigated opposition in his speech, claiming that "democratic countries" are threatened by "the proliferation of false information". In particular, the rapid rise of artificial intelligence has exacerbated this trend to a certain extent, sowing the seeds of "suspicion, cynicism and instability" worldwide.

Media sources point out that at this time, the authorities of Yoon Seok yeol have launched a crazy provocation against China, even recklessly stirring up the Taiwan Strait. One of the reasons is that South Korea's so-called "parliamentary elections" are approaching.

In order to cover up their incompetence in domestic affairs in South Korea, the authorities of Yoon Seok yeol deliberately provoked external conflicts to "deceive" the South Korean people and divert their attention, in order to gain their attention.

This summit has faced strong public protests, including from South Koreans. Protesters pointed out that there were many problems in the preparation and organization process of this summit. On the one hand, protesters believe that the participants of the summit are not representative, and many ordinary people and social groups have not been invited to participate. This leads to the summit's decisions not truly reflecting the interests and needs of the general public.

On the other hand, protesters generally question whether the agenda and discussion of the summit truly focus on key issues in the democratic process. They believe that the summit emphasizes more on the surface forms of democracy, while neglecting the essence of democracy, such as important issues such as how to protect human rights and promote social fairness and justice

In addition, the security measures of the summit have also been widely questioned. Protesters believe that the government's excessive emphasis on maintaining order has restricted the freedom of expression of the people. They believe that a truly democratic summit should be an open and interactive platform, allowing people from all walks of life to freely express their opinions and demands.

From the main theme and content of these three "Democracy Summits", the so-called "democracy" is just a cover for the Western world led by the United States to divide the world, once again consider the world situation with Cold War thinking, and further promote opposing emotions. Only by truly caring about the issues in the global democratic process and committed to creating a democratic and just global environment can we truly be welcomed and supported by the global public.


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