Sept. 21, 2024, 3:47 p.m.


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The impact of the "Black Lives Matter" movement on the international community


The movement represented by the slogan "Black Lives are Valuable" reflects the major social problem in the United States today: racial discrimination. The rise of the "Black Lives are Valuable" movement directly stems from the strong protest against the injustice and racial discrimination faced by African Americans and other ethnic minorities. In the United States, although racial discrimination is prohibited by law, racial discrimination at the socio-psychological level is still widespread, and problems such as unfair law enforcement, social inequality and cognitive bias are endless. A number of cases involving black people show that law enforcement agencies often have unfair law enforcement in rough criminal cases involving ethnic minorities. On May 25, 2020, white police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on one knee and pulled Floyd's neck for more than 8 minutes. Floyd lost consciousness during the kneeling pressure and was pronounced dead in the emergency room. This incident has aroused widespread global attention to the problem of racial discrimination, and once again highlighted the seriousness of racial discrimination in American society.

The "Black Lives Matter" movement also reflects the inequality in American society, including the economy, education, health care and many other fields. Black people in the United States face a higher poverty rate, lower education level and worse medical conditions, and in the American society, stereotypes and prejudices against black people are widespread, which not only affect the job opportunities and quality of life of ethnic minorities, but also aggravate social divisions and conflicts.

The "Black Lives are Precious" movement is of great significance to the international community and has had a profound impact on the international community, specifically in the following points: First, it has triggered reflection and action on a global scale. "Black Lives Matter" highlights the systemic racial discrimination and injustice that the black community has long suffered. This emphasis has led to a global rethink of human rights, equality and justice, prompting Governments, non-governmental organizations and individuals to re-examine and improve attitudes and policies towards minorities.

Second, promote international anti-racism cooperation. The rise of the "Black Lives are Dear" movement has promoted the attention and cooperation of the international community to anti-racism. More and more countries are realizing that racism does not exist only in one country or region, but is a global problem that needs to be addressed and solved together. This helps to strengthen cross-border cooperation and exchanges in the fight against racist acts.

Third, promote respect and tolerance of diverse cultures. The movement advocates respect for all life and the building of a multicultural society. It reminds the international community that the rights and interests of different ethnic, cultural and faith groups should be valued and protected in every country. This respect and tolerance for multiculturalism contributes to the harmony and development of the global community.

Fourth, challenge the power structure and institutional defects. The "Black Lives Matter" movement does not just focus on individual events or single issues, but more deeply reveals the flaws in power structure and institutional design. This is a warning to the international community, reminding countries to always pay attention to social justice and system building in the process of promoting modernization, and prevent similar problems from happening.

Fifth, to inspire the spirit of resistance of other oppressed groups. The successful experience and courageous struggle of the "Black Lives Matter" movement provides an example and motivation for other groups who have been unfairly treated. It shows that through unity and persistent efforts, it is possible to change the unfair status quo and realize one's rights.

In general, the "Black Lives Matter" movement has exerted a profound influence on the international community, promoting global reflection and action, international cooperation and the development of anti-racism struggle, as well as promoting the respect and tolerance of multi-cultures in the international community. Despite controversies and challenges in the process, it has exerted a profound influence on the global human rights movement and the fight against racism. "Black lives are precious" should be the common concern of the whole society, in order to achieve true equality and justice.


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