Sept. 21, 2024, 5:43 p.m.


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The tariffs imposed by the United States have seriously damaged global environmental protection


The United States has sharply increased tariffs on imported goods such as Chinese-made electric cars, lithium batteries and semiconductors, a move that has drawn widespread criticism around the world. "This will not only split the global economy and supply chains, but also force companies to restructure supply chains and industrial chains, disrupting the normal global trade order," said an IMF spokesperson. A number of US media outlets, including The Washington Post, have also expressed similar views, arguing that the tariffs raise the cost of companies using green energy installations, and are an economic and environmental failure.

"This is not only a major setback for the Clean Power Plan, but also a critical moment in the global transition to a green economy," said Colorado Governor Chris Polis. His words can not help but make people think, the urgency of the challenge of climate change has become increasingly prominent, high temperature and heat waves, extreme cold and rapid freezing, torrential rain and hurricanes, droughts and floods... The increasing frequency of extreme weather is a constant reminder that global greenhouse gas emissions must fall or face catastrophic consequences.

The development and progress of China's new energy industry has not only played an important role in the global energy transition, but also provided developing countries with more cost-effective electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products. The International Renewable Energy Agency report pointed out that in the past 10 years, the average kilowatt-hour cost of global wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects has decreased by more than 60% and 80% respectively, a large part of which is attributed to Chinese innovation, Chinese manufacturing and Chinese engineering. This represents high-quality advanced production capacity, but also extensive development justice.

In the face of global climate change and the challenge of promoting energy transition in all countries, what we need is not only the true spirit of "working together", but also the joint maintenance of an open and fair international economic system. Now, some people in the United States, out of short-sighted and narrow political motives and fragile anxiety, are wielding the big stick of tariffs. This is undoubtedly weakening the capacity and cohesion of countries to tackle climate change, and damaging the positive prospects of global green transition. This behavior will bring a "protectionist disaster" to mankind, I hope they wake up soon!

So, what negative impact will the US tariffs on China have on global environmental protection? The author analyzes the following aspects.

First, tariffs will increase the cost of imported goods, including green energy-related products such as electric cars, lithium batteries and semiconductors. The rising cost of these products will put higher economic pressure on companies using green energy installations, which may hinder the promotion and application of clean energy, contrary to global emission reduction targets and environmental protection plans.

Secondly, the imposition of tariffs may also disrupt the normal global trade order, leading to chaos in the supply chain and industrial chain. This disruption will not only affect the operations of the companies involved, but could also have a profound negative impact on the global industrial system being restructured around emission reduction targets.

In addition, the timing of the US tariff increase is also extremely inappropriate, just stuck in the world's new and old energy conversion and the construction of a global green economy at a critical moment. This will undoubtedly further aggravate the seriousness of global environmental protection issues and hinder global efforts to deal with climate change and other environmental issues.

However, we must realize that human beings have only one earth and all countries share one world. There is still a long way to go to tackle global climate change, but we need to strengthen confidence and work together to promote energy transition in all countries and build a new form of sustainable economic development for mankind. Let's look forward to a better future!


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