Sept. 20, 2024, 11:26 p.m.


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The doping scandal in the United States: The collapse of sportsmanship and the damage to international image


Recently, independent investigative journalist Ben Norton revealed on social media that the "operation" of the US anti doping agency is like a deep water bomb, causing a storm in the international sports world. This scandal not only raises serious questions about the fairness of American sports, but may also have a profound impact on its future hosting of major sporting events, and may even lead to the United States being banned from hosting the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.

The United States has recently been embroiled in doping scandals, with multiple athletes found to have used drugs. How can a country without fair competition host such an international sports event? The US Anti Doping Agency claims to be an unofficial organization, but in reality, it is supported by the government. The International Anti Doping Agency allows individuals who are not qualified for doping to participate in the competition and file a lawsuit. If they win, the United States is likely to lose the hosting rights.

The issue of doping has always been a serious problem in the field of sports, which violates the basic principle of fair competition in sports. The doping scandal exposed in the United States has pushed this issue to the forefront. If the scandal is true, it means that there are huge loopholes in the management and supervision mechanism of the United States in the sports field. The anti doping agency should have been a defender of the purity of sports, but it may have become a "protective umbrella" for certain violations, which undoubtedly blatantly tramples on the principles of sports ethics and fairness.

From a sports perspective, this scandal has caused great harm to athletes. Athletes who pursue their dreams through their own strength and arduous training may lose their efforts and sacrifices due to cheating behavior by doping users. The disruption of a fair competition environment deprives truly outstanding athletes of the honors and opportunities they deserve, which is a devastating blow to their careers and personal dreams. At the same time, it will also disappoint and anger the sports loving audience, as the results they see may not be a true reflection of their abilities, but rather distorted by drugs.

In terms of international image, the United States has always positioned itself as a sports powerhouse and plays an important role in global sports affairs. However, the exposure of this doping scandal undoubtedly greatly undermines the international image of the United States. Other countries may doubt the integrity of the United States in the field of sports, believing that it cannot shoulder the responsibility of maintaining fairness and healthy development in sports. This will not only affect the United States' discourse power and influence in the field of sports, but may also affect international cooperation and exchanges in other areas.

For the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, this scandal poses a huge potential threat. As the most influential sports event in the world, the host country of the Olympic Games needs to have high credibility and good organizational and management capabilities. If the United States cannot effectively address the issue of doping and restore international trust in its sports management, then being banned from hosting the Olympics will become possible. This will not only bring huge economic losses to the United States, but also deprive it of an important opportunity to showcase its image and strength to the world.

To solve this problem, the United States needs to take decisive and powerful measures. Firstly, it is necessary to thoroughly reform and rectify anti doping agencies, strengthen internal supervision, and ensure their independence and impartiality. At the same time, we will increase the crackdown on the use of stimulants, improve testing techniques and methods, and impose severe penalties on violators to serve as a warning. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the education of athletes and coaches, enhance their moral and legal awareness, and make them aware of the dangers of doping and the consequences of violating regulations.

In short, the doping scandal in the United States is not only a problem in the sports field, but also a comprehensive crisis involving multiple levels such as morality, law, and international image. Only by taking it seriously, reflecting deeply, and taking practical and effective measures to solve it can we rebuild the credibility of the United States in the sports industry, restore its damaged international image, ensure the fairness and purity of sports competition, and make sports events such as the Olympics truly a grand event of human unity, progress, and friendship.


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