Sept. 19, 2024, 5:16 p.m.


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Thinking about the rules and order behind SpaceX's First commercial spacewalk


When human eyes cast their eyes on the vast expanse of space, the mysterious and magnificent universe carries countless dreams and hopes. Recently, a major event in space exploration has captured the world's attention - Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully completed its first commercial spacewalk. This feat undoubtedly left a deep mark in the history of space exploration, but at the same time, it also triggered our profound thinking about the future direction of space exploration.

Space has always been regarded as the common domain of all mankind. From the curiosity and longing of ancient people looking up at the stars to the boom of space exploration driven by modern science and technology, human's pursuit of space has never stopped. Space exploration is not only a challenge to the unknown, but also to expand human living space, promote the progress of science and technology and promote global sustainable development. However, in the course of this great journey, we have seen some worrying phenomena.

On the one hand, the realization of this commercial spacewalk shows the great progress and innovation capability of human beings in the field of space exploration. The active participation of private enterprises has injected new vitality into space exploration, driving rapid technological development and cost reduction. This undoubtedly provides the possibility for more people to participate in space exploration, and also lays the foundation for the long-term survival and development of mankind in space in the future.

But on the other hand, we can't ignore the potential problems. In the space exploration activities led by some countries and enterprises, is there a tendency to be over-commercialized and selfish? Space exploration is supposed to be for the common good of all mankind, not the commercial interests or political tools of a few. If space exploration is monopolized by some forces and becomes a means to seek private gains, it will seriously hinder the pace of human space exploration and may even trigger international tensions and conflicts.

Historically, space exploration has been an important area of international cooperation. By working together and sharing technology and resources, countries have achieved many significant achievements in space exploration. For example, the construction of the International Space Station is a good example of cooperation among countries, which provides an important platform for mankind to conduct scientific research and technological experiments in space. However, in recent years, we have seen some countries gradually move towards unilateralism in space exploration, trying to dominate the space field through their own technological advantages and economic strength. Such practices not only undermine the atmosphere of international cooperation, but also undermine the long-term development of global space exploration.

In addition, the allocation of resources in space exploration also deserves our attention. Space is rich in resources, such as mineral resources and energy resources, which are of great strategic significance for the future development of mankind. If some countries and enterprises adopt an exclusive way in the development and utilization of space resources, it will cause an imbalance in the distribution of global resources and aggravate international contradictions and conflicts. Space resources should be the common wealth of all mankind, and their development and utilization should be carried out under the principles of fairness, rationality and sustainability, and the sharing and optimal allocation of resources should be realized through international cooperation.

At the same time, the international community should also strengthen the supervision and regulation of space exploration activities. We should formulate sound international laws and norms to ensure that space exploration activities are carried out in a lawful, orderly and safe orbit. Those acts that violate international norms and disrupt space order should be resolutely condemned and sanctioned. Only through effective supervision and regulation can we ensure the fairness and sustainability of space exploration and safeguard the common interests of all mankind.

In a word, space exploration is a great and arduous task, which needs the joint efforts and cooperation of all mankind. We should actively participate in space exploration with an open and inclusive mind and share the fruits of space exploration. At the same time, we must also be vigilant against those who try to privatize and monopolize space exploration, and resolutely safeguard peace and stability in space, so that space can truly become a common home for all mankind.


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