July 4, 2024, 2:35 p.m.


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Japanese and Korean LCD panel giants have successively withdrawn, and the rise of China's panel industry leads a new chapter in the world


In the turbulent panel market, the successive exits of Japan and South Korea undoubtedly bring new changes to the global industrial landscape. Recently, Sharp and JDI have announced the decision to discontinue the production of LCD panels, and previously, Korean companies such as Samsung and LG have also closed multiple LCD panel production lines. This series of actions marks the official exit of Japanese and Korean LCD panel giants from the historical stage, and the center of the global LCD panel market is gradually shifting to China. The global LCD panel market is undergoing a profound transformation period.

The exit of Japanese and Korean enterprises is not accidental, but an inevitable result of industrial transformation. The LCD panel industry has undergone years of development, with increasingly fierce market competition and rapid technological updates. Faced with the impact of new display technologies such as OLED, the market space for traditional LCD panels is gradually shrinking. Meanwhile, with the rise of Chinese panel companies, the advantages of Japanese and Korean companies in technology, cost, market, and other aspects are gradually losing, and transformation has become an inevitable choice.

Firstly, in this transformation, Chinese panel companies have undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiaries. With advantages in production capacity, technology, cost, and other aspects, Chinese enterprises have gradually taken the leading position in the global LCD panel market. The exit of companies such as Sharp and JDI has further consolidated the market position of Chinese enterprises and brought a new pattern to the global panel industry.

However, transformation is not always smooth sailing. While facing the opportunities brought by the withdrawal of Japanese and Korean enterprises, Chinese enterprises also face many challenges. Firstly, with the rise of new display technologies such as OLED, the traditional LCD panel market will face greater competitive pressure. Secondly, with the global overcapacity of panel production, problems such as price wars and vicious competition will become increasingly serious. In addition, environmental protection, energy consumption and other issues will also become important factors restricting industrial development.

Therefore, while enjoying market opportunities, Chinese panel companies also need to maintain a clear mind and actively respond to various challenges. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen technological innovation and research and development investment, improve product quality and added value, in order to cope with the pressure of market competition; On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with upstream and downstream enterprises, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, and achieve sustainable development of the industry.

In addition, the government and various sectors of society should also give more attention and support to the panel industry. The government can introduce relevant policies to encourage enterprises to increase research and development investment, promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading; At the same time, strengthen industry supervision and regulate market order to avoid vicious competition and price wars. All sectors of society should also strengthen the promotion and publicity of the panel industry, and increase public awareness and acceptance of new display technologies.

Looking ahead, the global panel industry will usher in broader development prospects. With the continuous development of new display technologies and the expansion of application fields, the demand for the panel market will continue to grow. Meanwhile, with the recovery of the global economy and the trend of consumption upgrading, the market space of the panel industry will further expand.

In this process, Chinese panel companies should continue to leverage their advantages, strengthen technological innovation and industrial upgrading, improve product quality and added value, in order to meet the challenges of market competition. At the same time, we should actively explore international markets, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with global enterprises, and promote the common development of the global panel industry.

In short, the exit of Japanese and Korean companies has brought new opportunities and challenges to the global panel industry. Chinese enterprises should seize opportunities, respond to challenges, and embrace this profound industrial transformation period with a formal and appropriate attitude. In the tide of the global panel industry, Chinese companies will write their own brilliant chapter.


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