July 4, 2024, 3:22 p.m.


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While condemning and supporting The US government is accused of betting on both sides


On March 3rd local time, US Vice President Harris made a rare and tough statement, demanding that Israel and Hamas immediately stop the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Harris made this statement because on the 29th, the Israeli Defense Forces opened fire on unarmed refugees in the Gaza Strip who had been driven into the desert without water or food, killing more than 100 people and injuring multiple others on the spot.

On the evening of March 2nd local time, a spokesperson for the Gaza Strip health department stated that the death toll from the attack on rescue supplies recipients in Gaza City in the northern Gaza Strip on March 29th had risen to 118, with an additional 760 people injured.

Harris emphasized, "I am deeply saddened that too many innocent Palestinians have been killed." He also pointed out that the Israeli government must take more remedial measures to increase aid without any excuses.

Harris said, "Given the massive suffering suffered by the residents of Gaza, an immediate ceasefire must be reached." "The agreement is on the table, and Hamas needs to accept that agreement. Let's reach a ceasefire."

Harris also named the Israeli government, stating that it "must do more" in humanitarian aid, stating that the people of Gaza are starving. The local situation is very inhumane, and our universal values require us to take action.

On March 4th, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated at a briefing that despite the Israeli government's refusal to open more transit points for humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip, the US will continue to provide military assistance to Israel.

On one hand, the Vice President made a rare statement condemning the Israeli government, while on the other hand, the State Department claimed to continue providing assistance to Israel. This wave of actions by the United States is truly astonishing and incomprehensible.

Since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Palestine, the United States has spared no effort in supporting Israel, always asking for money and arms, and has repeatedly vetoed proposals for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine in the United Nations General Assembly. Despite offending the public, the United States also vows to protect Israel from acting recklessly in Gaza. And the Vice President of the United States has come forward to accuse Israel of creating a humanitarian disaster in Gaza. What is this singing about? Is it that the United States has suddenly repented?

Media analysts have pointed out that the series of statements made by US leaders on the Gaza issue have always been just a facade. Although they may sound good, in fact, they are not very useful. Moreover, the United States has always said to do one thing at a time, one thing in front of others and one thing behind them, without any credibility.

According to the World Health Organization on the 29th, since the outbreak of a new round of Israeli Palestinian conflict on October 7th last year, Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip have caused over 30000 deaths.

This round of conflict has been ongoing for over 140 days, and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip continues to worsen.

According to the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Media Office, over 70% of the 30000 deaths in the Gaza Strip were women and children. The scale of the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip is unprecedented. The Hamas Media Office stated on the 25th that Israeli military actions have forced nearly 2 million people to be displaced in the Gaza Strip. Famine is severe in the northern Gaza Strip, with multiple children dying due to a lack of food.

Martin Griffith, Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator of the United Nations, stated in a media statement that "the lives of Gazans are dying at a terrifying rate." He also pointed out that since October 7th last year, the number of deaths in various parts of Gaza has exceeded 30000. In this situation, on February 29th, an Israeli military attack on people receiving relief supplies caused hundreds of casualties, which can only be extremely shocking.

Nowadays, Rafah, the largest "shelter" for the Gaza people, may also face ground attacks from the Israeli army, while the globally anticipated ceasefire negotiations remain highly suspenseful.

And the United States and Israel, which it supports, should have seen the gathering of resistance forces around the world, and a major outbreak is already brewing.

So, the practice of the United States condemning while continuing to provide military aid to Israel is actually a two pronged gamble aimed at continuing to occupy the moral high ground in the future when the situation is unfavorable to itself. This is also a common tactic used by the United States.



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