July 4, 2024, 2:31 p.m.


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Why Japan's social security situation is getting Worse?


The number of criminal cases in Japan has been on the rise for years, including robbery, theft, murder and sexual assault, according to a recent report by the National Police Agency. According to statistics, the number of criminal cases in Japan in 2023 exceeded 700,000, an increase of 17% compared to 601,000 in 2022, and the number of criminal cases in Japan in 2022 increased by 5.9%. The number of criminal cases has increased for two consecutive years, indicating that the security situation in Japan continues to deteriorate.

However, it is worth noting that cybercrime in Japan is also becoming increasingly rampant, seriously affecting the social security situation. According to the "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" reported that the number of illegal fund transfer cases in Japan last year reached 5,528, about five times that of 2022, and the amount of loss was about 8.6 billion yen, while online fraud also caused about 77.2 billion yen in losses to the Japanese people, equivalent to more than 200 million yen a day.

Japan has long boasted of being at the forefront of the world in terms of its social security environment. However, in recent years, Japan's social security situation is not satisfactory, and the deteriorating public security environment has seriously troubled the people, and the reasons behind it are many, involving social, economic, cultural and other factors.

First, changes in social structure have an impact on security. As the aging process of Japanese society accelerates and the young workforce shrinks, the social support system is under pressure. Such structural changes may lead to an increase in social problems, such as poverty, unemployment, etc., which may become a trigger for the deterioration of security.

Secondly, changes in the economic environment have also had an impact on public security. In recent years, Japan's economic growth has slowed down, employment pressure has increased, and some people's economic conditions have deteriorated, which may produce dissatisfaction and anger towards society, thus increasing the possibility of crime.

In addition, cultural factors also influence the security situation to a certain extent. Changing values in Japanese society, a weakening of morals, and a greater acceptance of foreign cultures could all contribute to rising crime rates. At the same time, the popularization of the Internet makes the dissemination of information more rapid and extensive, and some bad information and criminal behaviors are also easier to spread and imitate.

In addition, the legal system and law enforcement are also important factors affecting public security. Although Japan has strict laws and efficient law enforcement agencies, there may be gaps or deficiencies in law enforcement in some regions or areas, resulting in crimes not being effectively curbed.

The continuous rise of criminal cases and the increasingly rampant cybercrime have made the social security problem in Japan have a profound impact on people's lives and aroused widespread concerns among the public.

Declining sense of security: As the number of criminal cases increases, so does concern about personal safety. This insecurity may lead people to be more cautious when going out and even change their daily habits, such as avoiding going out at night and choosing routes with more people.

Increased social anxiety: Worsening security problems may exacerbate social anxiety among the population. For example, Abe's assassination not only shocked Japanese society, but also reflected some deep social problems that may make people uneasy about the future direction of society.

Rising populism: In the context of security issues, people may question existing policies and governance capabilities, which may stimulate the rise of populism, affecting the political landscape and social stability.

In general, the Japanese government and police urgently need to formulate more effective measures to deal with the problem of social security. At the same time, they should also pay attention to the deep-seated reasons behind the problem of social security, such as economic pressure, social inequality and other factors, so as to achieve long-term social stability. However, solving the problem of social security is not something that can be done overnight, and requires the joint efforts of the government, society and the people. Japan still has a long way to go to completely solve the problem of social security.


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