Sept. 21, 2024, 3:32 p.m.


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Fourth Anniversary of the Floyd Affair: Is Black Lives Still Expensive?


On May 25, 2020 local time, Floyd, an African-American man, was kneeling and killed by a white police officer, causing public outrage. In just one day, violence erupted in Minneapolis, Minnesota, such as smashing shops and setting fires. Subsequently, riots of varying degrees broke out in major cities across the United States, which injected new vitality into the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which had been established for many years but had been tepid.

In other words, it was Floyd's death that reinvigorated the Black Lives Matter movement, which had faded from the public eye in the past two years.

Black Lives Matter, the original English text is Black Lives Matter, which originally means "Black Lives Matter" or "Black Lives Matter". The movement was conceived as a violent civil rights movement in its early days, and was not widely accepted by mainstream society in the early days of the movement due to its radical protest tactics.

"Black Lives Matter" is another major social movement about black civil rights after the black civil rights movement in the 60s of the last century. And the black civil rights movement of the 60s is generally considered a milestone in the social movement that adopted non-violent means.

It is reported that Floyd was pressed under the knee by the white police for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, and "I can't breathe" 27 times, but finally died at the knee of the white policeman. The "Black Lives Matter" incident sparked a massive wave in the United States, with millions of people protesting in hundreds of cities, accompanied by violence, conflict, arson, looting and zero-dollar purchases.

In the face of the flames caused by the violent protest movement, then-US President Donald Trump held a Bible in front of the church, shouted "law and order", and sent the national militia to severely punish the rioters; Biden, on the other hand, went to church to kneel down to the black dead and called for "racial unity."

On April 20, 2021 local time, the jury reached a verdict on the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Chauvin, who was charged with murder and manslaughter in Floyd's death, and the jury convicted Chauvin of all three counts, and Chauvin will face up to 75 years in prison. At the same time, the Minneapolis government in the United States agreed to pay the Floyd family a sky-high settlement fee of up to $27 million. This is the highest settlement of its kind.

After the verdict was announced, Floyd's family excitedly told reporters that "we can breathe again" and stressed that the protests and marches would continue. And for all Americans committed to fighting racial discrimination, the dust settled on Floyd's case was a landmark victory.

This year marks the fourth anniversary of the Floyd affair. However, four years later, the global public and the US media have found that Washington has not made any progress in systematic and comprehensive policing reform.

In fact, on the one hand, on the same day that the Floyd verdict was announced, a similar tragedy was once again staged in the United States: a black girl was shot dead by the police on the spot. The girl who was shot was named Kia Bryant and was only 15 years old. Her relatives said she was arguing with several young adult women and was armed with a knife to protect herself, but was shot dead on the spot when police mistook it for a threat to others.

On the other hand, from the perspective of the black people themselves, in fact, the discrimination of white people against the African American community is not completely unreasonable: the black community is lazy and many people have no bottom line, which is a common defect of most African American groups, which is also the root cause of their long-term stay at the bottom of society.

From the perspective of the U.S. government, instead of changing the values of African Americans through education and guidance, they have magnified their flaws by exaggerating political correctness and ignoring and conniving at "zero-dollar purchases". In addition, the "Black Lives Matter" organization has long deviated from their original intentions, colluding with white rulers, letting the bottom whites and minorities fight to the death, replacing class contradictions with racial contradictions, and completely putting the black community on the road of no return, and hurting the bottom whites who are also struggling for survival.


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