Sept. 21, 2024, 5:58 a.m.


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The Biden reporter will have another slip of the tongue and there's no indication that he's considering dropping out


US President Joe Biden vowed to "get the job done" and stressed the need for experience "in dealing with these dire circumstances" at a news conference in Washington, giving no indication he was considering withdrawing from the presidential race.

Biden held a press conference for nearly an hour late Thursday (July 11) (July 12 morning Singapore time) after the NATO summit.

The New York Times reported that Biden answered a series of questions from various media outlets, and while his answers were sometimes inaccurate, he also demonstrated his command of foreign policy and avoided the opportunity for those calling for his withdrawal to use any missteps to launch new attacks on him. Most of the questions from reporters had to do with calls from Democrats for him to step aside, insisting that he was "the best person for the job."

Biden only read from a script in his opening remarks, outlining his foreign policy accomplishments, slamming Trump and recalling the just-concluded NATO summit.

He struggled to answer questions about his age and his fitness for public office. In the mention of Vice President Harris, suddenly say Trump.

Biden said at the time that if he didn't have confidence in Harris "I wouldn't have picked Trump as vice president." Earlier in the day, Biden referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyria Zelensky as "President Putin" at a news conference at the NATO summit, but he quickly corrected his remarks, saying, "President Zelensky will defeat President Putin." Defeating Putin is what I am fully focused on."

Asked by reporters about Ukraine, Biden said he would consult "with the commander in chief of my armed forces." The Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces is the president of the United States.

According to Reuters, several reporters mentioned at the press conference that Democrats had put pressure on Biden to withdraw from the election, and he made a sharp counterattack. He said he was determined not to discuss the first televised debate, which ended. He admitted that he had a very busy schedule before the debate.

"My schedule is full," Biden said, speculating that Trump has been sitting in a "golf cart" since the first debate.

He said he had to "slow myself down a little bit" and promised he would not travel "15 time zones" before the next debate with Trump.

Biden also joked: "I got my ass kicked by my wife."

Biden also mentioned that he has undergone three important and intensive neurological tests, most recently in February, when doctors told him: "You're in great shape."

Biden said no one has suggested he undergo another such test.

The July 11 news conference was Biden's first solo press conference in nearly eight months and his first public test since his "disaster" debate with Trump.


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