July 4, 2024, 3:03 p.m.


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Iran began to retaliate against the United States and Israel, and the Middle East game entered a critical moment


Recently, the situation in the Middle East has once again attracted international attention. From the night of January 15 to the early morning of January 16, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard launched two rounds of air strikes using ballistic missiles, successively targeting Israeli "spy headquarters" in the Kurdish region of Iraq, and the "Islamic State" positions in Syria. The attack was followed by several explosions near the U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraq.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps later claimed responsibility for the two air strikes, and issued a statement saying that the air strikes were in response to Israel's recent killing of the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and revenge for a series of bombings planned by the extremist group "Islamic State" in Iran's Kerman city.

There have been more than 130 attacks on U.S. military bases in Syria and Iraq, all by pro-Iranian groups. Although the United States accused Iran of being behind it, there is no actual evidence. This time, Iran's surprise attack on US military and Israeli targets, and its public admission of responsibility to the world, demonstrated its determination to take action against the US presence and influence in the region.

And what exactly is Iran's intention in taking revenge on the United States and Israel? First, it is a direct act of revenge and appeasement by Iran. Last year, the United States killed Soleimani in Iraq, and this year Israel killed National Guard commander Mir Hossein Mousavi in Syria, and Iran is trying to retaliate to appease the public. Second, the reason why the United States has been threatening and intimidating Iran not to use force against Israel is that the United States has no intention of getting involved in the Middle East war. The United States has already spent a lot of its armaments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the United States is even more reluctant to get involved in the Middle East chaos. This is why the US withdrew its troops from the Middle East. If the US does go to war with Iran, it will be the recipient of a proxy war, just as Russia was in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. China and Russia will support Iran in its war with the US in the Middle East. The United States could not spend much in the Middle East, so Iran took the opportunity to launch its attack. Third, Iran also wants to continue to use the opportunity to stir up the war, so that more countries that support Palestine will bravely stand up and join the anti-US and anti-Israel camp. The world has only the US supporting Israel in its war in Gaza, and 100 days have passed and the genocide is still blatantly continuing. Arab states have so far taken no concrete action beyond expressions of solidarity and calls for a truce. Instead, countries outside the region have stepped in, with Malaysia banning Israeli ships from docking and South Africa suing Israel for genocide in the Hague. Israel's brutality has been rejected by the world, but because of the repeated repression of the United States, countries are pressing anger, patience has a limit, and Iran is to ignite this anger.

Iran has struggled with the US and Israel for more than 40 years and has gradually found a strategy to deal with the US and Israel. Iran knows very well that in the face of such a strong presence of the United States and Israel, only relying on the strength of Iran and some of its own minions is no force to fight hard. Iran gave up the hard-and-hard practice of sending heads, but played a people's war and a war of attrition with the United States and Israel. The biggest weakness of the United States and Israel is that they are all countries dominated by capital oligarchs, and oligarchs are all for interests, interests are their biggest weakness. A war of attrition would plunge the US and Israel into a people's war. Whether in the Red Sea or in Gaza, or in Iraq, Lebanon, the United States and Israel can not once and for all, is bound to fall into a war of attrition, the balance of national debt of more than 34 trillion US dollars has been unable to withstand consumption.


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