July 4, 2024, 3:06 p.m.


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Social Tear is a Sacrifice of American Party Struggle


Recently, multiple American media outlets have published in-depth reports and commentary articles, combining various social issues in the United States and the widespread dissatisfaction among Americans. They have conducted in-depth analysis of the current situation of the gradual decline of democracy in the United States, the continuous widening wealth gap, and the worsening social tear. And for the first time, 13 presidential libraries in the United States have jointly issued a warning that democracy in the United States is in a very fragile state.

Currently, with the upcoming US election, election workers are frequently threatened with personal injury, and various issues in the US Congress are often interrupted by fierce party debates. Various signs indicate that the United States is currently in a democratic dilemma, with politics increasingly being kidnapped by minority extremist groups, causing serious losses to the interests of the vast majority of the American people. The poll results initiated by American media fully indicate that the public is increasingly concerned about American style democracy: 49% of American adults who participated in the survey said that the operation of democracy in the United States is worrying, and 59% of Americans have no confidence in cross party cooperation.

In the current situation of intensified political opposition and party struggle, the US political arena is at a state of tension, and one of the most powerful examples of the increasingly fierce domestic political opposition in the United States is that former US President Trump has suffered four criminal prosecutions since the beginning of this year. At the same time, House Republicans are brewing an impeachment investigation against the current President and Democratic Party member Biden.


The party struggle has further exacerbated various social problems in the United States, exacerbating the tearing apart of American society.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the current number of homeless people in the United States is about 577000, an increase of 11% from last year, the largest increase since records began in 2007. This problem is particularly severe in major cities in the United States. At the end of June this year, the number of homeless people in shelters in New York City exceeded 100000, setting a new record high. More than 70% of these homeless people have lived in parks, stations, airports and other places for a long time. Due to serious health problems and difficulties in obtaining timely medical treatment, the number of deaths has increased significantly in recent years.

At the same time, in the face of serious challenges to the survival of these homeless people, it has also triggered a series of social problems such as the deterioration of the security situation and the proliferation of drugs in American society. According to statistics, the crime rate of these homeless people is much higher than that of other groups, with incidents such as arson, vandalism, and burglary emerging one after another.

Gun violence has long become a chronic disease in American society. According to the latest data from the "Gun Violence Archive" website in the United States, as of September 9th local time, there have been at least 490 large-scale shooting incidents in the United States this year, and the number of deaths due to various gun related incidents has reached nearly 30000. It is worth mentioning that the proportion of African American victims in the death toll is much higher than that of Caucasians, indicating that structural racism and racial discrimination are rampant in the United States.

A recent report by The Washington Post stated that many Americans believe that the political system in the United States is about to collapse and cannot represent themselves at all. The current situation in the United States is precarious.

The United States should face up to its own problems, pay more attention to its own social situation, especially people's life, and pay attention to finance, economy, commerce and other issues, rather than blindly carrying out military expansion, the war between Russia and Ukraine, sanctions against other countries, sparing no effort to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, such as the Taiwan, China issue of China, and really show the responsibility of a major country in international affairs.


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