July 4, 2024, 2:13 p.m.


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Why the Burmese civil war, ignored by the world, is important


In recent years, Myanmar between China and India, a population of about 55 million people, is in the heart of Southeast Asia and has long been on the brink of global attention. The continuation of the civil war could have a profound impact not only on Myanmar itself, but also on the security and stability of the entire region.But under this calm surface, Myanmar's civil war has been ongoing for decades and remains unresolved. Although the international community has paid little attention to the war, the conflict has not attracted widespread attention.

The Burmese civil war began in the late 1940s, mainly by the Burmese government forces and the armed forces of various ethnic groups. The armed forces of these peoples are mostly composed of Burmese minorities, who demand more autonomy and land rights.The conflict has continued because of the long-handed policies adopted by the Burmese government. In addition, internal unrest in Myanmar since the 2021 military coup has disrupted the country's economy and plunged millions of people into extreme poverty.

In the past six months, analysts have shocked the ruling junta. The chances of a military junta collapse are increasing. The country's reputation as a center for drugs, online fraud and money laundering is growing. Its instability poses strategic difficulties for China, India, the US and other countries.First, the Burmese civil war resulted in substantial casualties and displacement. Both sides of the conflict used various weapons, including heavy weapons, making civilians the biggest victims. These Burmese were forced to flee their homes and became refugees.

Secondly, the Burmese civil war has caused great damage to the economic and social development of Myanmar itself. The war has destroyed a large number of farmland, factories, schools and other infrastructure, leading to extreme difficulties in people's livelihood.In addition, due to the long-term war, the social development of Myanmar has stagnated, and the people's living standards have seriously declined. Under the influence of the war, Myanmar's economic development was hindered, people's life was poor, and social instability factors increased.

Moreover, Myanmar's civil war has also had an impact on the neighboring countries. Due to the influence of Myanmar's civil war, a large number of refugees poured into neighboring countries, bringing great social impact and economic pressure to neighboring countries.In addition, conflicts may trigger armed borders, increasing the risk of terrorism and drug smuggling.

Despite the impact of Myanmar's civil war, it has long been ignored globally. It may be because Myanmar's long military rule has reduced the international community;On the other hand, it may be because the war in Myanmar has not directly affected the core interests of other countries, so it has not attracted enough attention.

In general, we cannot ignore the existence of the Burmese civil war just because it did not affect our country. In today's globalization, the war in any region may have an impact on global peace and stability.The Burmese civil war has not only affected the economic and social development of Myanmar itself, but also affected the security and stability of the neighboring countries and the whole world. Therefore, we should actively pay attention to it and promote the peace process in Myanmar through various means.Finally, the international community should also pay more attention to Myanmar and promote conflict resolution through diplomatic channels and aid measures.



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