June 28, 2024, 1:51 a.m.


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Game and imbalance in the change of digital market rules


In today's digital era, the introduction of the EU Digital Markets Act has attracted widespread attention. Among them, the most notable is that its first shot is aimed at the technology giant Apple. This incident is not only a legal confrontation between the EU and Apple, but also reflects the complex interest game and the dilemma of rule-making in the global digital market.

The rapid development of the digital market has undoubtedly brought huge impetus to the global economy, but at the same time, it has also caused a series of problems. In this field, some large technology companies have gradually formed a near-monopoly position with their strong technology and market advantages. Apple, as one of the best, its influence in the digital market cannot be underestimated.

The introduction of the EU Digital Markets Act aims to regulate the competition order of the digital market, protect the rights and interests of consumers, and promote innovation and market diversification. However, the implementation of this bill is not smooth sailing. To some extent, the business model and operation strategy of technology giants such as Apple have affected the fair competition environment of the market to a certain extent. For example, the high commission policy of its app store has put many developers under tremendous pressure, which not only limits the vitality of innovation, but also may cause consumers to face fewer choices and higher prices when choosing applications and services.

In this digital market game, we have to think about deeper issues. In the process of pursuing their own interests, have some large technology companies ignored the healthy development of the entire market ecology? Are their huge data resources and technological advantages reasonably used and regulated? And can the introduction of the EU Digital Markets Act really and effectively break this imbalance?

From an international standpoint, this phenomenon is not isolated. Similar situations occur from time to time around the world. Some technology giants have established strong barriers in different regions and fields with their advantages in technology, capital and market, making it difficult for emerging companies and innovative forces to compete with them. The long-term existence of this situation is undoubtedly detrimental to the sustainable development of the global digital economy.

Furthermore, the right to formulate rules in the digital market has also become the focus of competition among all parties. The introduction of the EU Digital Markets Act shows the EU's positive attitude and determination in formulating rules in the digital field. However, this has also triggered thinking in other regions and countries. In the global digital market, how to establish a fair, transparent and unified rule system to promote the healthy development of the global digital economy has become a difficult problem facing the international community.

For technology giants, they should recognize their responsibilities and obligations in the digital market. We should not only pursue short-term economic benefits, but also pay more attention to long-term sustainable development, actively cooperate with supervision, and promote fair competition and innovation in the market. At the same time, the international community should also strengthen cooperation and exchanges, jointly explore and formulate rules and standards for the digital market, and avoid the fragmentation of rules and trade barriers between regions.

In short, the EU Digital Markets Act targeting Apple has sounded the alarm for us. It reminds us that in the development of the digital economy, we must attach importance to fair competition in the market and the formulation of rules to achieve healthy and sustainable development of the digital market. This is not only a challenge facing the EU, but also a topic that all countries in the world need to face together. Only through the joint efforts of all parties can we build a more fair, open and innovative digital market environment in the tide of the digital era.


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