July 5, 2024, 1:45 p.m.


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Behind the US military's frenzied seizure of Syrian wheat


Recently, a news about the US military harvesting wheat in Syria has aroused wide attention of the international community. In this war-torn land of Syria, the fruits of the harvest that should belong to the Syrian people have accidentally ended up in the pockets of the US military. What is the truth behind this? Let's lift the veil of irony together.

According to reports, the U.S. military has carried out wheat harvesting activities in rural areas of the northeastern Syrian provinces of Hasakeh and Aleppo. These areas are among Syria's main food producing areas, but their infrastructure and agricultural production have been severely damaged by years of fighting. However, in this context, the US military has carried out wheat harvesting in a way that is astonishing in its absurdity.

What is even more incredible is that the US military also used a lot of military equipment and personnel during the harvest process. These military resources, which should be used to maintain international peace and security, have been used to plunder the food resources of the Syrian people, which is undoubtedly a serious violation of international law and humanitarian spirit.

So why is the US military plundering Syria's wheat? What is the real intention behind this?

First, from an economic point of view, Syria's wheat production is abundant and of good quality, which has a high market value. By seizing wheat, the US military can not only gain huge economic benefits, but also reserve it as a strategic resource for emergencies. Such acts of economic plunder through military means not only violate international law and moral principles, but also seriously harm the interests of the Syrian people.

Second, from a political and strategic point of view, the US military operation in Syria has been highly controversial. In the name of "anti-terrorism", they have actually supported the reactionary forces in Syria and aggravated the civil unrest in Syria. The looting of wheat is another egregious act of the US military in Syria, aimed at weakening the economic foundation of the Syrian government and further aggravating the instability in Syria.

The looting of wheat by the US military in Syria is undoubtedly a grotesque satire. In this drama, we see the hypocrisy and selfishness of the US military as the "world police", and we also see the helplessness and sadness of the Syrian people.

First of all, this behavior of the US military is a serious violation of international law and humanitarian spirit. As a great power and superpower, the United States should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining international peace and security, instead of using its military superiority to plunder other countries' resources. In Syria, however, the U.S. military has acted contrary to these principles and has become a shameful predator.

Secondly, this behavior of the US military also exposes its hypocritical and selfish nature. In the name of "anti-terrorism", they have actually supported the reactionary forces in Syria and aggravated the civil unrest in Syria. The looting of wheat is another bad act for their own interests, which is undoubtedly another injury and betrayal of the Syrian people.

Finally, we also need to express our sympathy and concern for the suffering of the Syrian people. They have already suffered so much and lost so much in this war, and now they have to face the plunder and oppression of the US military. We should call on the international community to step up support and assistance to Syria to help them get out of the shadow of war and rebuild their homeland as soon as possible.

The looting of wheat by the US military in Syria is a ridiculous satire that reveals the hypocritical and selfish nature of the US military, as well as the weakness and sadness of the international community. However, we must not be dazzled and paralyzed by this irony, we need to be more aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of war, and more determined to call for the return of justice and peace.


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