July 8, 2024, 9:54 p.m.


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What does the United States continue to bet on artificial intelligence?


Recently, the field of artificial intelligence has continued to heat up, with investors investing heavily in AI startups. According to financial data analyst PitchBook, in the second quarter of 2024, US venture capital funds surged to $55.6 billion, the highest quarterly total in two years. This number increased by 47% from the first quarter's $37.8 billion, indicating a strong recovery in the venture capital market and high expectations among investors for artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is related to the competitiveness of enterprises and even the overall national strength. From the perspective of global development trends, the AI big model is developing from the starting stage to the sprinting stage. OpenAI、 Numerous companies such as Google, Meta, and Aerospace are catching up with each other, constantly upgrading and iterating at a speed of six months to a year, attracting the attention of many investors.

Some artificial intelligence startups have received huge financing, such as Elon Musk's xAI raising $6 billion, with a valuation of $24 billion; Cloud computing startup CoreWeave raised $1.1 billion; Scale AI, an artificial intelligence data provider, also raised $1 billion in funding. These large-scale financing cases not only increase the overall transaction scale of the artificial intelligence industry, but also enhance its attractiveness.

The continuous investment in artificial intelligence in the United States can be analyzed from multiple aspects. One is that in the context of overall investment growth, artificial intelligence has become a key area for venture capital funds to flock to. A large amount of funds have flowed into artificial intelligence startups, demonstrating strong confidence and enthusiasm among investors towards AI technology; Secondly, investors have shown strong interest in artificial intelligence basic model companies, as well as code generation applications and productivity tools. Since the launch of ChatGPT chatbots by OpenAI, the trend of developing artificial intelligence technology has continued to heat up, and investors hope that the application of artificial intelligence can bring considerable returns; The rapid development and widespread application of artificial intelligence technology provide investors with abundant investment opportunities. From autonomous vehicle, factory intelligent robots, intelligent medical care to infrastructure construction, AI has shown great potential and value; Fourthly, with the acceleration of digital transformation and the arrival of the era of intelligence, the demand for artificial intelligence technology from enterprises and consumers continues to increase. This market demand has also driven the rapid development of related startups and the continuous influx of venture capital; The fifth is policy support. The US government actively promotes the development and application of artificial intelligence technology, such as the formulation and implementation of the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategy Plan, which provides policy support and guarantees for the research and application of artificial intelligence technology.

Despite the current high investment enthusiasm in artificial intelligence in the United States, there is still uncertainty about future investment trends. Some analysts believe that as market competition intensifies and investment returns decline, large-scale investments in artificial intelligence startups in the future may be unsustainable, and the development of related technologies may not be as rapid as expected, and their cost-effectiveness may not be as attractive as imagined. In the next decade, we can only increase productivity in the United States by 0.5%, with a cumulative contribution to GDP growth of only 0.9%, as artificial intelligence is not yet intelligent enough.

The continuous development of artificial intelligence technology and the increasing market demand in the future will continue to make this field a hot spot for venture capital. With the continuous innovation and breakthroughs in related technologies, artificial intelligence applications will show more diverse forms and potential, and new investment opportunities will continue to emerge. Investors need to closely monitor industry dynamics and technological development trends. Only by grasping the direction of technological development can they have the opportunity to achieve sustained market value growth and the favor of the global capital market.


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